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Year of the Tiger 虎年小测验

来源:英语小测验 时间:2018-12-02 点击:
  从下面选项中选择正确答案;单击“核对答案”按钮,核对你的答案. Your score: 0/6 Your score: 1/6 Your score: 2/6 Your score: 3/6 Your score: 4/6 Your score: 5/6 Your score: 6/6   1 : What is the word for the patterns on a tiger's fur? spots strips stripes linesThe possible answers were:

You said: spots strips stripes lines   A tiger 恭喜你,答对了! 对不起,答错了。豹子身上有 spots 斑点,再想想。对不起,答错了。Strips 的意思是一长条材料、原料,或者是土地。对不起,答错了。Lines 的意思是线条。你没有回答这个问题。   2 : The pattern on a tiger's fur keeps them hidden in the wild. They are ________. caged disguised covered camouflagedThe possible answers were:

You said: caged disguised covered camouflaged   A tiger's face 对不起,答错了。Caged 的意思就是被关在笼中。对不起,disguised 的意思是伪装,如故意穿戴一些饰品,是他人无法认出你是谁。对不起,答错了。Covered 有很多意思。其中一个意思是用某物遮盖一个东西。正确!人们有时候也会把自己 camouflage 伪装起来,比如说士兵们有时会需要伪装掩饰自己。 你没有回答这个问题。   3 : There are white tigers but they are very rare. The colour is caused by a genetic ________. mutation modifier engineer abnormalThe possible answers were:

You said: mutation modifier engineer abnormal   A white tiger 对不起,答错了。Abnormal 是一个形容词,在这里我们需要一个名词。Abnormal 的名词形式是 abnormality.恭喜你,答对了!Mutation 变异,通常会和单词 genetic 连用。 对不起,答错了。To modify 有变化的意思,但用在这里不合适。对不起,答错了。To engineer 的意思是设计,建造某物。你没有回答这个问题。   4 : Tigers are not afraid of many things. They are ________. fearful afraidless scareless fearlessThe possible answers were:

You said: fearful afraidless scareless fearless   A tiger with its mouth open 对不起,答错了。Fearful 刚好和我们需要的词义相反。对不起,答错了。再想想看。对不起,答错了。再试一次。恭喜你,答对了! 你没有回答这个问题   5 : What does this English idiom mean? To have a tiger by the tail. To be strong and brave in a difficult situation To find oneself in a situation that is more dangerous or difficult to escape from than to stay To have a lot of energy and determination when the situation seems hopeless and difficult to solve To be an energetic person who prefers to solve situations alone.The possible answers were:
To be strong and brave in a difficult situation
To find oneself in a situation that is more dangerous or difficult to escape from than to stay
To have a lot of energy and determination when the situation seems hopeless and difficult to solve
To be an energetic person who prefers to solve situations alone.

You said: To be strong and brave in a difficult situation To find oneself in a situation that is more dangerous or difficult to escape from than to stay To have a lot of energy and determination when the situation seems hopeless and difficult to solve To be an energetic person who prefers to solve situations alone.   A drawing of a tiger 对不起,答错了。再试试!回答完全正确! 对不起,答错了。再试一次。对不起,答错了。再试试。请选择答案。   6 : In Chinese there is the phrase 马马虎虎. Which English translation is best? alright so and so horse horse tiger tiger very fineThe possible answers were:
so and so
horse horse tiger tiger
very fine

You said: alright so and so horse horse tiger tiger very fine   A sleeping tiger 正确!这个翻译最合适。不过还可以使用 fine, OK, good or not bad 来表示这个意思。 对不起,答错了。So and so 是我们在想不起一个人的名字时用的表达,意思就是某某。So so 可以表达马马虎虎的意思,不过在英语里种这个表达不常用。对不起,答错了。这个直译是不对的,再想想。对不起,答错了。英语里我们不用这个表达方法。Very 在这里是多余的,你只用说 fine 就可以了。你没有回答这个问题。   Try Again


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