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来源:常用短语 时间:2017-06-23 点击:



a few 几个 例句:Histoty is not created by a few men of genius but by the masses of the people.(历史不是由几个天才创造的,而是由人民群众创造的。)

a lot (of) 许多 很多 大量 例句:The students and teachers have learnt a lot from the poor and lower-middle peasants.(师生们从贫下中农那里学到很多东西。)

as a whole 整体 全局 例句:The proletariat must emancipate not only itself but mankind as a whole.(无产阶级不但在解放自己,而且要解放全人类。)

care for 关心 喜欢 例句:New China must care for her youth and show concern for the growth of the younger generation.(新中国要为青年们着想,要翔青年一代的成长。)

for ever 永远 例句:We are determined to make revolution for ever.(我们决心永远革命。)

grow up 长大 例句:When Tom grew up ,he came to know why his family was so cruelly oppressed.(当汤姆长大时,他开始明白为什么他的家会受到这么残酷的压迫。)

in front 在前面 例句:The Party secretary walked in front,other followed him up.(书记在前面走,其他人跟着。)

in the hands of 在…手中 例句:Truth is in the hands of the proletariat.(真理在无产阶级手里。)

run into 碰上 偶遇 例句:The streets in NWE YORK are so crowded that automobiles often run into each other.(纽约的街道拥挤不堪,汽车经常相撞。)

stand up 起立 站起来 例句:The oppressed nations of the world are standing up one after another against the two superpowers.(世界上被压迫的国家一个接一个地站起来反对两个超级大国。)



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