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What Is Globalisation 全球化

来源:资讯 时间:2018-11-17 点击:

Jul 20th 2009

Globalisation is the more or less simultaneous marketing and sale of identical goods and services around the world. So widespread has the phenomenon become over the past two decades that no one is surprised any more to find Coca-Cola in rural Vietnam, Accenture in Tashkent and Nike shoes in Nigeria. The statistic that perhaps best reflects the growth of globalisation is the value of cross-border world trade expressed as a percentage of total global GDP: it was around 15% in 1990, is some 20% today and is expected by McKinsey & Company, a consulting firm, to rise to 30% by 2015.


Use of the word in this business context is alleged to go back at least as far as 1944, but its first very visible appearance was in the writings of Theodore Levitt (see article), a professor of marketing whose article published by Harvard Business Review in 1983 was entitled “The Globalisation of Markets”. In it he foresaw “the emergence of global markets for standardised products on a previously unimagined scale of magnitude”.

在商业领域开始使用“全球化”这个词至少可以追溯到1944年。但是它第一次真正地被明确提出是在Theodore Levitt的一篇文章上。Theodore Levitt是一位营销学的教授。他的文章《市场的全球化》发表在1983年的哈佛商业评论上。他在文中预测到“一个产品高度标准化的全球性市场即将到来,这种标准化程度将是前所未见的”

In “Can We Sustain Globalisation?”, a report published in 2007 by SustainAbility, a consulting firm, the authors wrote:


Frustratingly Levitt did not provide a compelling definition of globalisation in his article—and the void has subsequently encouraged a dizzying proliferation of competing definitions.


The report claims to have come across more than 5,000 of them. SustainAbility’s favourite is one provided by two Economist journalists. Globalisation, they wrote, “is the freer movement of goods, services, ideas and people around the world”.


The concept was popularised by an American journalist, Thomas Friedman, in his book “The World is Flat”. Published in 2005, it reached the top of several bestseller lists with its headline message that the world is now just one big integrated market.

这个观点被一个美国记者Thomas Friedman的著作《世界是平的》大为推广。这本书出版于2005年,一度在很多畅销书排行榜上都是第一名。它的题目想告诉人们的就是,这个世界其实就是一个大的整合了的市场。

Globalisation has been encouraged by:


• the growing liberalisation of markets around the world, giving western multinationals access to customers they never thought they would reach;


• easy internet access and cheap international telecommunications, the most obvious manifestation of which is call centres in India that are servicing customers and corporations in Europe and the United States;

• the rapid growth of large developing countries such as China, India and Brazil, and their growing demand not only for western consumer goods and technologies but also for goods and services from other developing countries. Trade between China and Africa, for instance, rose from $3 billion in 1995 to over $32 billion in 2005.


Companies have approached globalisation in two distinct ways. On the one hand are those such as Gillette and Heineken that have made little concession to local tastes and manufacture their goods in a few centralised production facilities that follow strictly uniform standards. “The product must be the same everywhere,” wrote a Heineken chairman recently. “To ensure quality, every 14 days our breweries send samples to professional tasters in the Netherlands.”


On the other hand are companies that tailor their products or services for each local market. Among them are Japanese carmakers such as Toyota, which now has plants in several countries producing for local markets, and Coca-Cola, which never tastes quite the same from one country to the next. A former chief executive of Coca-Cola admitted that the company had once upon a time changed its globalisation strategy. “We used to be an American company with a large international business,” he said. “Now we’re a large international company with a sizeable American business.”


Further reading

Bartlett, C.A. and Ghoshal, S., “Going Global: Lessons from Late Movers”, Harvard Business Review, March 2000

Bartlett, C.A.和Ghoshal, S.,全球角逐:后发未必后至,哈佛商业评论,2000年3月

Friedman, T., “The World is Flat: A Brief History of the Globalised World in the Twenty-first Century”, Allen Lane, 2005; Penguin 2006

Friedman, T.,《世界是平的:21世纪简史》,Allen Lane(英国出版商),2005;企鹅图书 2006

Ghemawat, P., “Redefining Global Strategy: Crossing Borders in a World Where Differences Still Matter”, Harvard Business School Press, 2007

Ghemawat, P.,《重新定义全球化战略:地区差异仍然举足轻重》,哈佛商学院出版社,2007

Levitt, T., “The Globalisation of Markets”, Harvard Business Review, May–June 1983

Levitt, T.,市场全球化,哈佛商业评论,1983年5月-6月

Stiglitz, J., “Globalisation and its Discontents”, W.W. Norton, New York, and Allen Lane, London, 2002

Stiglitz, J., 全球化与不满,W.W. Norton(出版社)纽约,和Allen Lane(出版社),伦敦,2002


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