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来源:数学 时间:2018-11-20 点击:

An unholy row may yet shed light on a unique Christian monument


The dramatic Peak

NEAR the top of a half-submerged mountain, jutting out of the Atlantic on the south-western tip of Ireland, stands a set of monastic remains that present historians with a puzzle. They are among the most revealing and the most elusive remnants of the early Christian era.


On one hand, the beehive-shaped stone huts where monks lived, prayed and worked are more intact than at any comparable site. They provide insights into the building and engineering skills as well as the religious practices of Ireland’s Christian pioneers. On the other hand, much about the Skellig Michael site, including its age, remains enigmatic. References to it in written sources, the earliest in the late eighth century, are fleeting; only a handful of artefacts have been found.


But is the veil of mystery hanging over Skellig Michael, where excavation and conservation have been under way since 1978, even thicker than necessary? That is a debate raging among Ireland’s archaeologists, and it is one in which UNESCO, the UN agency for cultural heritage, has become deeply involved.


UNESCO listed Skellig Michael as a “World Heritage Site” in 1996. Last year it published a report on the island that tried to settle the Irish argument. Its intervention was largely prompted by Michael Gibbons, an independent historian who had asserted that archaeological mistakes were being made there, and were being covered up by a conspiracy of silence.


Some of his criticisms concentrated on the well-known monastic enclosure, seen every year by tens of thousands of visitors who are ferried out by local boatmen and must then climb more than 600 steps. But Mr Gibbons’s graver complaints concerned an even more remote place: an amazing set of structures perched on a ledge below the island’s summit, in an area known as the South Peak.


Grellan Rourke, the conservationist who has overseen the island for three decades, passionately defends his labours at the South Peak. He says the works there—which have included shoring up a stone retaining wall and restoring an outdoor stone altar—were not only necessary, but a feat. “We worked with harnesses and climbing ropes and set up our plane table on the most incredible ledges with… sheer drops all around,” he has written. “[B]ut the results were worth the efforts.”

格莱兰·鲁尔克作为两派中主张保护的一方,监督(整修工程)已有三十载,他对于己方在那儿的所作所为充满了热情和自信。他说那里的施工——包括加固一面石头护墙,整修一个室外的石头祭坛——不仅必须,而且称得上壮举。“我们身上绑着安全带,通过悬挂的绳子爬到那些超级酷的平台上,安置我们的平板仪(一种测绘仪器——译者)……平台周围都是悬崖,立陡立崖的,” 他写到。“[但]旦是,结果令我们很满意,我们的努力没有白费。”

At issue is whether such acts of conservation threaten the site’s integrity. Mr Gibbons argues that his compatriots are out of step with new archaeological thinking, which favours leaving structures untouched for future investigators. “I approached UNESCO with a heavy heart,” he says, insisting that criticising fellow Irishmen was not a step taken lightly.


In a Solomonic judgment, UNESCO found that the structures on the South Peak—apparently an offshoot of the monastery, to which monks went for retreat or penance—had indeed been rendered “dramatically different”. UNESCO said Ireland’s Office of Public Works should have opened a broader debate before proceeding with any restoration; but it did agree that some conservation was necessary. The Irish government has followed some of UNESCO’s recommendations, including naming a panel of independent Irish scholars to oversee the site.


This panel has given heart to Mr Gibbons, who says he has insights of his own that merit a hearing. For example, he recently discovered a new pilgrimage route across the island, which connects with two existing ones. He has found a rare rock-hewn cross marking out the route.


History buffs are now waiting to see how Ireland’s authorities act on yet another injunction from UNESCO: that vastly more should be published about the site, explaining what has been done and learned over 30 years. Mr Rourke and his assistant, Alan Hayden, are eager to give a full account of their labours. Mr Rourke says he will spend the next few winters writing up his early work at the monastic site, a time when walls were shored up and new evidence emerged that its structures have been at risk of collapse in every era of the island’s history. Mr Hayden says he has around 4,000 photographs of the South Peak work, plus hours of film footage, which he will make available to the public as soon as resources allow.


Scholars are keen to hold the conservationists to this promise. UNESCO especially wants the distinction between new and old work at the peak to be made clear. And if the promised torrent of information about this mysterious island is duly delivered, then one Irish argument at least will have produced more light than heat.



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