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More to do路漫漫

来源:银行英语 时间:2018-11-17 点击:

Banking reform should aim at those regulated, not just the regulator

“MR OSBORNE…has embarked on a half-baked plan of destruction,” thundered a London banker in a letter to the Financial Times. Not all City folk have been so scathing. But plans to abolish the Financial Services Authority (FSA) announced by George Osborne, the Conservative shadow chancellor of the exchequer, on July 20th caused consternation among many of the regulated, as well as at the giant financial watchdog itself.


Britain, like most big countries, is in the throes of reassuring taxpayers that the excesses which led to a global and national financial crisis will not be allowed to repeat themselves. Most of the proposals concentrate on revamping the regulators rather than the regulated, perhaps because it is easier. Only one party—the Liberal Democrats under their spokesman on economic affairs, Vince Cable—is calling for a break-up of the banks themselves. Mr Osborne prefers to scrap the FSA, while Alistair Darling, the incumbent chancellor, proposed on July 8th that an Über-Council for Financial Stability, chaired by himself, sit atop financial regulation.


The Osborne plan is to give bank supervision back to the Bank of England and to add oversight of insurance firms. (The Bank of England supervised banks until 1998, when the FSA, set up by a Labour government, took over.) The rump of the FSA would then become a consumer-protection agency with some responsibility for ensuring competition in consumer credit, which today is handled by the Office of Fair Trading. Little mention is made of a big chunk of the FSA’s current duties: oversight of the markets and securities trading. Those duties may be spun off into a third regulator, as they are in France, Italy and Spain. If Mr Osborne’s party wins the next election, at the latest next June, then his plan is likely to become reality.


It means total upheaval at the FSA, although many will keep their jobs and simply reprint their business cards. It gives increased power to the Bank of England, though its decision-making would become more collegiate and less concentrated on the governor. Above all it addresses the need for a clear line of authority, allowing a single entity to foster macroeconomic stability and ensure that financial firms, individually or collectively, do not upset the applecart. An independent Financial Policy Committee would advise the central bank on measures to counter systemic risk, with its minutes made public. This is a real step forward, says Sir Andrew Large, a former serial regulator.


What it does not address is the problem, greatest in Britain and Switzerland, that the financial sector is increasingly dominated by a handful of banks too big and complex to be allowed to fail. The state has big stakes in two of them. Mr Osborne says an incoming Tory government would ask competition authorities to investigate this concentration. His plans stop short, as do Mr Darling’s, of cutting big and dangerous banks down to manageable size.


Both men hope that added capital requirements, foisted on big firms by their supervisors, will make the cost of unwieldy size and over-risky behaviour prohibitive. But this puts a heavy responsibility on the regulator, which must identify and quantify the risks in order to levy the charges. This was the regulatory Achilles heel that led to the present crisis. How much better, laments a Bank of England veteran, was the “Willie Osborn test”. Bankers wishing to do something “innovative” first had to explain it to Mr Osborn (no relation) in the supervision department. If he did not understand it, then it was too complex. FSA supervisors tried too hard to understand complexity (or assumed the bankers understood) rather than exercising their veto.


At what might be its 11th hour the FSA is beginning to make more of the right noises. Under its new boss, Adair Turner, it has been naming and shaming conduct-of-business offenders more actively and has threatened with severe punishment firms that are starting to offer dizzying pay packages. What matters is not how big the package is but whether it contains an incentive that might endanger the firm, the FSA holds; the size of bonuses, and whether they take too much of the cake, is for shareholders to decide, not supervisors. All the signs are that, whichever big party forms the next government, Britain’s financial sector will be seen as too important to tamper with seriously.



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