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Finance / Bank Accounts 金融 / 银行账户

来源:银行英语 时间:2018-05-11 点击:
  从下面选项中选择正确答案;单击“核对答案”按钮,核对你的答案. Your score: 0/6 Your score: 1/6 Your score: 2/6 Your score: 3/6 Your score: 4/6 Your score: 5/6 Your score: 6/6   1 : A __________ provides a written record of all the money going in and out of a bank account for a given time period. receipt statement cheque bank giro creditThe possible answers were:
bank giro credit

You said: receipt statement cheque bank giro credit   A crumpled bank document 对不起,回答错误。A receipt 的意思是发票,用在这里不合适。恭喜你,答对了。在英国,人们会定期收到银行寄来的对账单 bank statements. 这对我们每个人的理财来说很重要。 对不起,答错了。A cheque 支票或chequebook 支票本不能被用来记录你银行账目的出入。对不起,回答不正确。A bank giro credit 是银行直接转账支票。你没有回答这个问题。   2 : If there is a long queue at your nearest cash point, it might mean... someone is having difficulties taking money out of their account. the machine is broken or faulty. a lot of people want to take money out of their bank accounts. all of the above.The possible answers were:
someone is having difficulties taking money out of their account.
the machine is broken or faulty.
a lot of people want to take money out of their bank accounts.
all of the above.

You said: someone is having difficulties taking money out of their account. the machine is broken or faulty. a lot of people want to take money out of their bank accounts. all of the above.   a cash point 回答不完全正确,虽然这是造成在提款机排队的一个理由,不过应该还有其它导致人们排队的原因,再想想看。不完全正确,这个能使导致人们在 cash point 排队的一个原因,但是还有其它原因,再试一次。回答不完全,这是导致人们在提款机排队的一个重要原因,不过再想想还有没有其它的原因呢?恭喜你,答对了。A cash point 就是提款机的意思。 你没有回答这个问题。   3 : When you want to take money out of your bank account you need to make __________. a deposit an appointment a takeaway a withdrawalThe possible answers were:
a deposit
an appointment
a takeaway
a withdrawal

You said: a deposit an appointment a takeaway a withdrawal   British money 对不起,答错了。To deposit money 是另一种表达 to put money in 的说法。对不起,答错了。去银行存钱一般不用 make an appointment.不对,单词 takeaway 不是在银行里用到的词语。恭喜你,答对了。当你从银行里取钱的时候这是我们说 a withdrawal. 你没有回答这个问题。   4 : When you make an enquiry about your bank account, you will usually be asked to provide your __________ and account number. card number bank’s address sort code telephone numberThe possible answers were:
card number
bank’s address
sort code
telephone number

You said: card number bank’s address sort code telephone number   British Pound coins 对不起,这个答案不正确。你的 card number – 就是你银行卡前面那一串长的数字,通常在你花钱购物的时候的需要用到这串数字。对不起,这个答案不对。在向询问关于自己银行事情的时候不需要提供 bank’s address, 不过我们需要另一个可以来识别银行身份的东西,再想想。恭喜你,答对了。A sort code 是用来辨别银行分支的代码。 对不起,答错了。在向银行咨询业务的时候通常不需要提供自己的 telephone number.你没有回答这个问题。   5 : In the UK, when you make a purchase with a bank card, shops may swipe your card and ask you to sign the receipt. Alternatively, they might ask you to use __________. chip and pin fish and chips card and code sign and pinThe possible answers were:
chip and pin
fish and chips
card and code
sign and pin

You said: chip and pin fish and chips card and code sign and pin   An electronic payment machine 对不起,答错了。如果使用了密码来消费的话就不用再签字了,再想想。恭喜你,答对了!在英国,银行卡上都有 a chip 微型芯片,每个人的芯片上都记录了自己的密码,以确保安全消费。 对不起,这个答案用在这儿不合适,再试一次。对不起,回答错误。虽然每个人的银行卡的芯片里都记录有自己独一无二的密码,不过 card and code 这个短语不能表达此意,再想想看。你没有回答这个问题。   6 : Which of these things might you use your chequebook for? Making a payment for something that is unusually expensive such as a car. Depositing money in your bank account. Keeping a record of all your transactions. Writing down any questions you might have for your bank manager. The possible answers were:
Making a payment for something that is unusually expensive such as a car.
Depositing money in your bank account.
Keeping a record of all your transactions.
Writing down any questions you might have for your bank manager.

You said: Making a payment for something that is unusually expensive such as a car. Depositing money in your bank account. Keeping a record of all your transactions. Writing down any questions you might have for your bank manager.   A chequebook 对不起,答错了。这里使用 a chequebook 不正确,再想想。不对,这个答案不符合句意,再想想看。恭喜,答对了!我们通常会使用 a cheque 来支付一个较贵的东西,比方说汽车,因为用支票支付大额的货款比用现金支付会更安全和方便携带。A chequebook 就是支票本。 对不起,回答正确。往银行账户里存钱的时候不用 a chequebook.你没有回答这个问题。   Try Again
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