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您的当前位置: 首页 > 面料成分中英文对照 > 列表


  • 大学常见课程中英文对照

    爱思英语编者按:大学里有各种各样的课程,其中还不乏专业性十分强的课程,一起来看看这些课程如何用英文表达?大学英语    English高等数学    Advanced Mathematics体育

  • 小草的芬芳(中英文对照)

    欢迎访问bluebird博客空间:http: bb73 home 24en com 转载请注明出处和作者 编者按:爱思英语网推出全新栏目《佳作欣赏》,旨在为各位网友提供互相学习、

  • 英文中的大便小便怎么说?

    爱思英语编者按:一名中国留学生初到美国,在机场找厕所,问老外:「Where is W C ?」老外听不懂。一名中国太太到医院生产,洋护士问她:「Did you have a bowel movemen

  • 清明节中英文对照 Tomb-Sweeping Day

    清明节(Tomb-Sweeping Day) 24EN Editors Note: Qing Ming is a time to remember the dead and the dea

  • April Fool 愚人节傻瓜

    Kevin sat up so quickly that he almost bumped1 his head on the shelf above his bed Someone was pou

  • 招标公证书中英文对照

    NOTARIAL CERTIFICATE  ( )字第 号( )   Zi, No   兹证明 (招标单位全称)于 年 月 日在 地对 (招标项目名称)举行了公开招标, (投标单位全称)参加了投标,

  • 上诉状格式中英文对照

    APPEAL  上诉人(一审被告):[ ]贸易有限公司,住所地[ ]   法定代表人:苏庆国,公司经理。  The Appellant (The defendant in the first inst

  • 中英文:Payroll taxes

    As an employer, it is your duty to collect a portion of each employees income for social security

  • 中英文:Deportation and exclusion

    Both deportation and exclusion mean that youre not allowed to stay in the U-S, but theyre differ

  • 中英文:license suspension

    A license suspension can occur in several different ways The most common way to lose a drivers l

  • 中英文:Sexual discrimination

    There are both state and federal laws stating that you cannot be denied employment due to your gen

  • 中英文:Can juvenile records erased

    All juvenile records are closed and confidential at the courts discretion The juvenile court may

  • 中英文:Racial discrimination

    The federal Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination in hiring, promotion, discharge, pay

  • 中英文:Wrongful detention

    The law protects citizens who are wrongfully deprived of their liberty by another If you have bee

  • fighting a traffic ticket(中英文对照)

    Before making a decision to fight a traffic ticket, first consider the evidence you have to suppor

  • The Macedonian Lottery

    Every conflict has its economic moments and dimensions The current conflict in Macedonia perhaps ev

  • Dont Graduate - What Students Should Know About College, But No One Ever Tells Them

    For all the students even dreaming about going to college, I have one piece of advice: dont graduat

  • Fads and Fashions

    Following the crowd is something that we have all been guilty of But new investors are more likel

  • 小飞侠科比的经典语录

    爱思英语编者按:身披24号战衣的NBA湖人队球员科比绝对是今年的夺冠大热门,他的经典语录也让球迷们为之振奋,赶紧来学习下吧Love me or hate me, its one or the ot

  • 基督教婚姻誓言(中英文版)

    I, [Grooms name], take you [Brides name], to be my wife, my partner in life and my one true love

  • 第60届柏林电影节获奖名单


  • 火星文时代——英文字母大改造

    原来美国人也喜欢折腾自己的文字Ive never reay pai much aenin wrd an ff like ha, ell y he rh B hi i fn I ba

  • 哈利·波特系列中的名配角(附图)


  • 外贸英语中英互译总汇:检验

    Shall we take up the question of inspection today?  今天咱们讨论商品检验问题吧。  As an integral part of the contr

  • 外贸英语中英互译总汇:索赔

    Weve given your claim our careful consideration   我们已经就你们提出的索赔做了仔细研究。  We filed a claim with(agains

  • 综合辅导:职务名称中英对照(五)

    工厂经理 厂长  Plant Factory Manager Director 总工程师  Chief Engineer 项目经理 主管  Project Manager Supervisor 项目工

  • 农历新年的起源之献祭说(中英版)

    The Origin of Chinese New Year Chinas traditional festivals have evolved through the centuries from

  • 农历新年的起源之怪兽说(中英版)

    The Origin of Chinese New Year(1)The Chinese New Year is now popularly known as the Spring Festival

  • 美国宪法判例中的财产权保护

    一、引言:姑且美国  在若干著述中,笔者曾不厌其烦地指出:与民法上的财产权不同,宪法上的财产权主要是私人针对公共权力的侵害而享有的财产权利,其中当然包括排除公共权力对私人之间业已确立的特定财产秩序

  • 如何撰写律师函(中)

    如何撰写发给非专业人士的律师函  人们为什么讨厌收到律师的来信呢?因为它们不是带来坏消息,就意味着生意上出现了严重的问题。而且,这些信让人理解起来有些难度,因为其中有一些生僻的专业术语,还有,在收到律

  • 国际货物买卖合同(中英)

    一、交货条款 TERMS OF DELIVERY  1 装船条件:Terms of Shipment;  离岸加运费价条款:卖方应在本合同第(9)条规定之时间内,将货物由装船口岸直接船运到中国口

  • 仲裁裁决书中英文对照

    AWARD  双方当事人:  (1) 申诉方 反诉被诉方:卖方  (2) 被诉方 反诉申诉方:买方  Parties:  (1) Claimant counter-defendant

  • 民事诉讼答辩状中英文对照

    ANSWER TO COMPLAINT  答辩人:××人民医院  住址:××市××路七号  Respondent: ××× Peoples Hospital  Address: No 7, ××Ro

  • 维修合同(中)

    1 定义  “ABC”是指ABC(中国)电子有限公司:“客户”指合同中提到的客户:“产品”指ABC和客户同意依据此维修合同进行维修的设备及软件。这些 维修合同进行维修的设备及软件。这些“产品”列

  • 法院送达诉状公告中英文对照

    ANNOUNCEMENT  (04 ) [ ] No [ ] (案件编号)  (04) [ ] No [ ] (serial number of the case)  (公司或人名):

  • 上诉状格式中英文对照

    APPEAL  上诉人(一审被告):[ ]贸易有限公司,住所地[ ]   法定代表人:苏庆国,公司经理。  The Appellant (The defendant in the first inst

  • 独家经销协议中英文对照

    中文:  独家经销协议  经双方友好协商,甲方愿意委任 作为在 销售其产品的独家经销商。为了明确双方的权利和义务,特订立本协议。  甲方:%%公司(以下简称甲方) 受委任方: (以下简称乙方)

  • fighting a traffic ticket(中英文对照)

    Before making a decision to fight a traffic ticket, first consider the evidence you have to suppor

  • Accusation(控告)

    Accusation n 控告,起诉,告发;谴责  中英文对照注解:  1) in legal terms accusation means officially charging someone

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