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Food / Food and Drink 食物 / 饮食

来源:自考英语 时间:2017-06-22 点击:
  从下面选项中选择正确答案;单击“核对答案”按钮,核对你的答案. Your score: 0/6 Your score: 1/6 Your score: 2/6 Your score: 3/6 Your score: 4/6 Your score: 5/6 Your score: 6/6   1 : In a British pub, people usually ask for a _____ of beer. pint litre cup beakerThe possible answers were:

You said: pint litre cup beaker   pub 正确,在酒吧里,啤酒都以pint 品脱为单位,这是英式容量单位。 不对,一公升啤酒实在是很多,再想想少一点的容量是什么。不对,a cup 杯子一般用于茶和咖啡。再试试。不对,beaker一般是小朋友们用的小杯子。再想想。你没有回答这个问题。   2 : If you eat like a horse, what does it mean? You are on a diet. You eat a lot. You are a vegetarian. You are a fussy eater.The possible answers were:
You are on a diet.
You eat a lot.
You are a vegetarian.
You are a fussy eater.

You said: You are on a diet. You eat a lot. You are a vegetarian. You are a fussy eater.   noodle dish 不对,如果你 eat like a horse, 一般不会挑食fussy with your food。再想想。不对, 提示:答案和减肥正好相反。回答完全正确!胃口好,狼吞虎咽就可以被形容为 eat like a horse. 不对, 这个表达不代表你是个素食者 vegetarian.你没有回答这个问题。   3 : What do we call a list of instructions to cook a meal at home? receipts a diary recipes flash cardsThe possible answers were:
a diary
flash cards

You said: receipts a diary recipes flash cards   a woman cooking at home 不对,receipts 是收据。再想想。不对,日记diary 很有用,但是一般做饭还是需要看菜谱,那菜谱英文怎么说?回答完全正确,recipes 就是菜谱。 不对,flash cards 一般指为考试准备的复习卡片。再想想菜谱英文怎么说?你没有回答这个问题。   4 : Which of the following isn’t usually included in a traditional English breakfast? scrambled eggs sausages broccoli mushroomsThe possible answers were:
scrambled eggs

You said: scrambled eggs sausages broccoli mushrooms   A plate of food 不对,scrambled eggs 是炒鸡蛋,属于英式早餐里非常好吃的一部分。不对,sausage 是香肠,属于英式早餐里非常好吃的一部分。完全正确,太棒了!西兰花broccoli 在英式早餐里肯定看不见。 不对,mushroom 蘑菇,属于英式早餐的一部分。你没有回答这个问题。   5 : How would we describe a man who can drink a lot of beer? He drinks like a duck. He drinks like a fish. He drinks like a horse. He drinks like an elephant.The possible answers were:
He drinks like a duck.
He drinks like a fish.
He drinks like a horse.
He drinks like an elephant.

You said: He drinks like a duck. He drinks like a fish. He drinks like a horse. He drinks like an elephant.   A man drinks a beer 错了。不过你已经很接近正确答案了,再想想什么动物是在水里生活的?正确,加分。鱼在水里生活,如果一个人喝酒就像喝水一样,那么他就可以被形容为drink like a fish. 不对,如果一个人吃饭很厉害,那么可以被形容为eat like a horse。如果喝酒很厉害,就得用另一个词形容。不对,再想想什么动物是在水里生活的? 请选择答案。   6 : If you want milk that has hardly any fat content, what would you call it? semi-skimmed milk full fat milk no fat milk skimmed milkThe possible answers were:
semi-skimmed milk
full fat milk
no fat milk
skimmed milk

You said: semi-skimmed milk full fat milk no fat milk skimmed milk   milk bottles 不对,semi 一般指一半,semi-skimmed 就是半脱脂,你已经很接近正确答案了。再想想。不对,Full fat milk 是全脂牛奶,在超市里是蓝瓶盖包装。不对,大家都明白no fat milk 就是没有脂肪的牛奶,不过有更好的说法,再想想看。恭喜你,答对了!Skimmed milk 就是脱脂牛奶,一般在英国超市里是红瓶盖包装。 你没有回答这个问题。   Try Again


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