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来源:考研下载 时间:2019-01-04 点击:

WHEN Cairn Energy, a British petrochemicals company, this week announced the first firm indication of worthwhile oil deposits off Greenland’s coast, inhabitants of Nuuk, the island’s gritty capital, greeted the news with their customary equanimity. “That’s nice,” said a housewife less interested in the implications of a possible oil bonanza than in negotiating her country’s sole pedestrian crossing in the sleeting rain.

本周,英国石油化工公司凯尔恩能源(Cairn Energy)首次宣布,有确定迹象表明格陵兰岛近海岸处存在着具有开发价值的石油储藏。在该岛首都努克,一个遍地砂砾的城市,当地的居民用他们惯常的平静方式对此消息做出了回应。“这很好,”一位正在赶路的家庭主妇说,在这雪雨纷飞的天气里,她似乎更专注于如何顺利穿越该国特有的人行横道,而对于该国可能存在丰富的石油宝藏则显得意兴阑珊。

Several hundred miles north in Baffin Bay, Greenpeace eco-warriors seeking to halt offshore oil exploration in the Arctic faced down a Danish warship. The government hotly contests Greenpeace’s claim that, because oil degrades far more slowly in freezing waters, a Mexican Gulf-style oil spill would mean calamity for the fragile environment. “Our safety standards are the highest in the world,” says Henrik Stendal, chief geologist at the Government Bureau of Minerals and Petroleum.

努克以北几百英里处的巴芬湾,寻求停止北极近海石油勘探的绿色和平组织的环保卫士们成功解除了一艘丹麦军舰的勘探行动。绿色和平组织宣称,由于石油在冰冻水域的降解速度极其缓慢,万一发生墨西哥湾那样的石油泄露事故,这里脆弱的自然环境将会遭遇一场巨大灾难,但政府对这一说法给予了激烈的辩驳。"我们遵循的安全标准是世界上最严格的,"政府矿产与石油管理局首席地质学家亨利克.斯滕德尔(Henrik Stendal)如是说。

In recent months the bureau has run an extensive public-information programme in Greenland, drawing full houses at meetings throughout the sprawling country. A plethora of newly enacted legislation is designed to avert offshore accidents and to prevent a small spill becoming a big catastrophe should something go wrong.


Most of Greenland’s 56,000 inhabitants seem persuaded. Despite the vulnerability of the country’s ice sheet to global warming, a recent Greenpeace meeting in Nuuk drew a paltry 45 people. Even this minimal interest in the environmentalists’ message could fall further as the implications of this week’s news start to sink in.


Greenland has been searching for the black stuff for decades. Five wells drilled in the 1970s turned out to be dry, as was a sixth in 2000. But this one looks like the game-changer. Cairn says it has found natural gas in thin sandlayers in one of its test wells, indicating the presence of oil. Overall, it estimates that the acreage it is licensed to drill in holds 4 billion barrels of oil. Data from the United States Geological Survey suggest the seabed between Greenland and Canada holds a total of 17 billion barrels. There may be further riches off the vast island’s eastern coast. According to some estimates the bedrock beneath the Greenland Sea could hold more oil than the North Sea, which has partially powered the British, Dutch and Norwegian economies for decades. This area will be opened for exploration in 2012.


Greenland’s exploration adventure does not stop there. Dozens of mining companies are trawling the narrow strip of land abutting its 44,087-kilometre coastline for diamonds, gold and rubies and possibly more exotic treasures.


Sniffing opportunity, even before the oil starts flowing and the rubies glisten, the world has started to arrive in Greenland. Australian and American accents are commonplace in Kangerlussuaq international airport. The restaurant at Nuuk’s only upmarket hotel has no difficulty attracting clients for its exclusive wagyu beef fillet.


It is impossible to estimate how much money this bounty could generate for Greenland’s cash-strapped government. But although the potential to transform the economy is obvious, there is no talk yet of using the proceeds to buy full independence from Denmark. Self-government became law only last year, and it will take decades to wean Greenland off its annual DKr3 billion ($500m) grant from Copenhagen—which accounts for over half of Greenland’s revenues.


As for the locals, having had their hopes raised and dashed so many times before, they are taking nothing for granted. “We won’t get rich overnight,” says Brian Juhl, a supermarket manager. “But perhaps in the future.”

对当地人而言,他们的希望曾多次地燃起幻灭,他们现在已经不存在什么侥幸心理了。超市经理布赖恩.朱尔(Brian Juhl)说,“我们不会一夜暴富,但将来也许有一天会如偿所愿。”


[1] 格陵兰在它的官方语言丹麦语的字面意思为“绿色的土地”。据史书记载,约在公元982年,北欧人埃里克和他的伙伴从冰岛出发,向西北航行,去寻找新大陆,却意外发现了一个大岛。经过两个夏季的考察,终于在该岛西南沿海地段找到了几片平坦之地。这几片平坦的沿海土地在地形上可防御北极寒风的袭击,而且在北极短暂的夏季还长满青嫩的植被。面对四周一片冰天雪地的荒原,埃里克情有独钟地将这片长满绿色植被的没海地段命名为“格陵兰”,意为“绿色的土地”。

[2] dänische Krone (丹麦货币单位)克朗


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