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英语字汇量爆炸式增长手册 J 1

来源:新概念英语 时间:2018-12-14 点击:

· J

■ jac, ject

源自拉丁文 jacere, to throw, to cast 投,掷,抛弃。

★ ob ject  vi. 反对 n. 物体;目标;宾语

{ ob-, against 相反 + -ject, to throw 掷 → 往反方向掷 → 反对}

* I object to the proposal. 我反对这个提议。 (vi.)

* Tell me the names of the objects in this room. 告诉我这屋里各种东西的名称。 (n.)

* Our object is to get at the truth. 我们的目的是弄清事实真相。 (n.)

* Please find out the object of the sentence. 请找出这个句子的宾语。 (n.)

☆ object ive  adj. 客观的

{ object 目标;宾语 + -ive, of 形容词字尾,表「~的」 → 客观的}

* She gives an objective report of what has happened. 她就发生的事情进行客观的报告。

☆ object ify  vt. 使客观化,使具体化

{ -ify, to cause to become 动词字尾,表「使~」}

* You should objectify your work so that the staff would know what they should do. 你应该使工作具体化,以便员工们能明白他们应该做什么。

★ sub ject  vt. 使服从 n. 主题,题目;学科;主语 adj. 遭受于

{ sub-, under 在~之下 + -ject, to throw 掷 → to throw under one’s control 投在某人控制之下 → 使服从}

* He tried to subject the whole family to his will. 他试图使全家人服从他的意愿。 (vt.)

* This is a book on the subject of love. 这是一部以爱情为主题的书。 (n.)

* She’s taking three subjects in her exams. 她参加三门课程的考试。 (n.)

* Teacher asked us to underline the subject of this sentence. 老师叫我们画出这个句子的主语。 (n.)

* They were subject to great suffering. 他们遭受了巨大痛苦。 {be subject to 遭受于~ } (adj.)

☆ subject ive  adj. 主观的

{ -ive, of 形容词字尾,表「~的」}

* This is a subjective judgment of her abilities. 这是对她能力的一种主观判断。

★ pro ject v. 规划;投,放映;突出 n. 计划,方案;项目,工程

{ pro-, forward 向前 + -ject, to throw 掷 → to throw forward 向前投 → 投射,发射;放映}

* Can you project a new working scheme for us? 你能为我们设计一个新的工作计划吗? (vt.)

* I had no screen, so I projected the slides onto an old white sheet. 我没有幕布,所以我把幻灯片投射到一块旧的白床单上。 (vt.)

* The wall is projected in the middle. 墙壁中部凸出。 (vi.)

* They have spent a lot of time on the project . 他们就此计划已花了不少时间。 (n.)

* The new dam is a major construction project , funded by the government. 新水坝是政府出资建造的一个大工程项目。 (n.)

☆ project ile  adj. 抛射的 n. 抛射物

{ -ile 形容词或名词字尾}

* The question of the projectile was completely settled. 炮弹问题已经正式解决了。

☆ project or  n. 投影机,幻灯机

{ -or, thing 名词字尾,表「物」}

* There is a new projector in my office. 我的办公室里有一架新的幻灯机。

★ re ject  vt. 拒绝;舍弃 n. 不合格产品

{ re-, back 回+ -ject, to throw 掷 → to throw back 掷回 → 拒绝}

* He rejected changing his mind. 他拒绝改变主意。 (vt.)

* He rejected the idea of settling in England. 他放弃了在英国定居的想法。 (vt.)

* This is the reject . 这是次品。 (n.)

☆ reject ee n. 被拒绝者,被开除者

{ -ee 表动作接受者}

☆ reject or  n. 拒绝者,否决者

{ -or, person 表动作施出者}

☆ reject ion  n. 拒绝

{ -ion, action, state 名词字尾,表「行为或状态」}

* He decided not to approach her for fear of rejection . 他因怕遭拒绝决定不再去找她。

★ ad jac ent  adj. 相邻的,邻近的

{ ad-, to 向 + -jac, to lie, rest ( ← to cast oneself down) 位于 + -ent, of 形容词字尾,表「~的」 → 位于一处 → 相邻的,邻近的}

* These young students live in adjacent rooms. 这些年轻的学生住在毗连的房间里。

☆ adjac ency  n. 毗邻,接近

{ -ency, condition, quality 名词字尾,表「状态或性质」}

★ e ject  vt. 逐出,驱逐;弹射

{ e- (=ex), out + -ject, to throw 扔 → to throw out 扔出去 → 逐出,驱逐;弹射}

* The noisy youths were ejected from the cinema. 吵闹的年青人都已从影院被逐出去了。

* Cartridges are ejected from the gun after firing. 开枪后子弹从枪膛里弹出去。 {cartridge n. 子弹,枪弹 }

☆ eject or  n. 驱逐者;喷射器

{ -or, person or thing 名词字尾,表「人或物」}

☆ eject ive adj. 逐出的;喷出的

{ -ive, of 形容词字尾,表「~的」}

☆ eject ion  n. 喷出,排出物

{ -ion, action, result 名词字尾,表 「动作或结果」 }

★ in ject  vt. 注射,注入

{ in-, into 入 + -ject, to throw 掷 → to throw in 掷入 → 注射,注入}

﹡ inject into 把~注入

﹡ inject with 用~注入

* The doctor has injected him under the skin. 医生已给他皮下注射了一针。

☆ inject ion n. 注射

{ -ion, action, result 名词字尾,表「行为或结果」}

* Those drugs are given by injection as well as through the mouth. 那些药品可以注射,也可以口服。

★ ab ject  adj. 卑鄙的,下贱的;不幸的,可怜的

{ ab-, away 离开 + -ject, to throw 抛弃 → to throw away 抛开 → 因为卑鄙而被抛弃 → 卑鄙的,下贱的 → 不幸的,可怜的}

* He is an abject liar. 他是一个卑鄙的说谎者。

* The boy felt shamed of his abject poverty. 这个男孩因赤贫而感到羞耻。

★ con ject ure vi. & n. 推测,猜想

{ con-, together 一起 + -ject-, to throw 掷 + -ure, action, process, condition 名词字尾,表「动作,过程或情况」 → 各种想法一起掷 → 推测,猜想}

* She didn’t know the facts; what she said was pure conjecture . 她并不知道实情,她所说的纯属猜测。 (n.)

* The general conjectured that the enemy only had about five days’ supply of food left. 将军推测敌人只剩下五天的粮食给养。 (vi.)

★ de ject  vt. 使沮丧,使气馁

{ de- = down 向下 + -ject = throw 投,掷 → ( 情绪 ) 向下投 → 情绪低落 → 使沮丧,使气馁}

* The news dejects me. 这个消息使我沮丧。

☆ deject ed adj. 悲伤的,沮丧的

{ -ed 用于动词后面,构成形容词}

* The old man looked dejected and spiritless. 那老汉显出一副垂头丧气的潦倒相。

☆ deject ion  n. 悲伤,沮丧

{ -ion, action, result 名词字尾,表 「行为或结果」 }

* He went away in dejection . 他灰溜溜地走了。

★ inter ject  vt. 插话

{ inter-, between, within 在~中间;在~里面 + -ject, to throw 投 → 投入~里面 → 插入 → 插话}

* When I brought up the question of fund, he quickly interjected that it has been settled. 我刚提出筹集基金的问题,他急忙插嘴说问题已经解决了。

☆ interject ion  n. 感叹词

{ -ion 名词字尾,表「行为或过程的结果」}

* “Good Heavens!” and “Ouch!” are interjections . “天哪!”和“哎哟”都是感叹词。

★ tra ject ory  n. 弹道,轨道

{ tra- (=trans-), on the other side 到另一边 + -ject, to throw 掷 + -ory, place 名词字尾,表地方 → 掷到另一边的轨迹 → 弹道,轨道}

* return trajectory 返回轨道

◎大师点拨 更多信息请访问:

tra- 是 trans- 的变体,意为: across, beyond, through 横越,超过,穿过,又如:

tra mont ane  adj. 山那边的;野蛮的 { tra- = trans- 跨越 + mont-, mount 山 + -ane 形容词字尾,表示「~的,有~性质的」}

tra dition n. 传统 { tra- = trans-, across 越过 + -dit-, given 给 → 传给 → 传统}


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