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The week ahead 未来一周

来源:英语文库 时间:2018-12-10 点击:

•President Lee Myung-bak of South Korea is expected to refer North Korea to the UN Security Council for its part in the sinking of the Cheonan, a South Korean warship. 46 sailors died in the incident, which took place in March. South Korea may also ban ships from the North from its waters. It needs to balance a desire for redress against the unpredictability of Kim Jong Il, North Korea"s leader. Mr Kim has already threatened war if further sanctions are imposed on North Korea.


• THE corruption and squabbling of the Czech Republic’s political class has encouraged several new parties to attempt to capitalise on popular discontent in legislative elections that begin on Friday May 28th. Some of the country’s best-known intellectuals and cultural figures are backing a non-party movement called “Replace the Politicians” that wants a big clean-out. TOP 09 is a conservative, free-market grouping that has sent voters dummy invoices showing the level of the country’s debt. Public Matters, led by Radek John, now the country’s most popular politician, could play a role in forming a new coalition. But as in previous elections, voters divide evenly between right and left, making another weak, squabbling government consisting of one big party and some smaller fry all too likely. 更多信息请访问:

捷克共和国的政界浮出一幕幕腐败丑闻,相互争吵不休。随着5月28日的立法选举在即,民众却对此普遍不满,这反而怂恿数个新政党试图将这种不满,转化为有利的政治资本。目前,在这个国家中,一些著名的知识分子与文化名流表示支持“取代政客”的无党派运动,希望利用这个运动实现一次大规模的政治清洗。排名第九的是保守而拥护自由市场的集团,它们发给选民一些虚假的票据,说明国家债务已到危如累卵的程度。现在领导“公共事务”的Radek John是该国最欢迎的政治家,他可能在组成新的政治联盟中扮演着一个角色。但正如前几次选举那样,选民分化了左派与右派,势均力敌。这种形势可能造成由一个大党与数个小党组成的政府,多方争吵不休,软弱无力。这样的政府实在太容易被“煎炒”。

• AFGHANISTAN is set to convene a national peace assembly from Saturday May 29th to discuss how to persuade Taliban insurgents to take part in peace talks. The meeting, known as a jirga, will include tribal elders, provincial chiefs, legislators and other important Afghans. Hamid Karzai, Afghanistan’s president, will use the assembly to present a draft of his plans to negotiate with the Taliban, a subject that he discussed at a meeting with Barack Obama in Washington at the beginning of May. A recent Taliban assault on Bagram airbase, an American stronghold, may well be a show of strength before the talks as much as a reaction to American plans for a big offensive in Kandahar, the insurgents’ heartland.


• COLOMBIANS go the polls on Sunday May 30th to elect a new president to replace Álvaro Uribe, the popular but term-limited incumbent. Juan Manuel Santos, who claims to be Mr Uribe’s heir, seemed a shoo-in last month until the emergence of Antanas Mockus. His Green Party has few seats in Congress but he has surged in opinion polls to draw neck-and-neck with Mr Santos and could well win in the event of a run-off. Mr Mockus combines a centrist appeal with a reputation for honesty, and has made a stand against corruption.

哥伦比亚人将于5月30日前往各个投票点,推选出一位总统替代Álvaro Uribe,这位现任的总统尽管很受欢迎,但任职期受限。Juan Manuel Santo(胡安曼纽尔桑托斯)宣称他是Uribe’先生的继承人,似乎直至Antanas Mockus出现之前,他一直胜券在握。尽管Antanas Mockus所领导的绿党在国会中几乎没有拥有席位,但在民意测验中,他的支持率却最近一路飙升,与桑托斯先生并驾齐驱;一旦进行决胜选举,他可能将大胜而归。Mockus先生因诚实而广受赞誉,对温和派具有吸引力,他已摆出反对腐败之风的姿态。



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