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来源:经典名著 时间:2018-12-13 点击:

爱思英语编者按:最火相亲节目(dating show)《非诚勿扰》在受到广电总局的痛批后全面整顿。女嘉宾大换血,心理分析师乐嘉多了位新搭档,话题从之前的火辣犀利到现在的温情脉脉、波澜不惊,从打擦边球到主流,对于《非诚勿扰》的这种转变,观众反应如何呢? 

Fans of the popular dating show If You Are the One will have noticed some big changes in the format when it aired last weekend.

Gone were the usual barbs from female contestants aimed at the men attempting to win their affection. There was also far less talk about people"s wealth and family background.

Instead, the hosts highlighted the contestants" volunteer work and positive attitudes toward life and love. Producers at Jiangsu TV, which broadcasts the show by satellite, also introduced a counselor named Huang Han, a psychology professor at the provincial Party school, to give relationship advice.

Although a huge departure for a show known for its controversial and at times confrontational style, the changes came as little surprise following the notice last month from the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television (SARFT) that banned "fake participants, morally provoking hosts and comments that allude to sex" in television dating shows.

Some media analysts and viewers hailed the changes as a "positive step" in dealing with a growing trend of sensationalism on television, with channels cranking up the controversy in the chase for ratings and better advertising revenue.

"The (recent) episodes of If You Are the One prove that dating shows can be entertaining and mainstream at the same time," said Zheng Baowei, director of Renmin University of China"s research center of journalism and social development.

However, the mood among the Chinese blogosphere seems to be largely one of disappointment, with some arguing that the move has resulted in the shows losing their allure.

"I didn"t like the episodes (on Saturday and Sunday)," reads one of the many comments left by netizens on Baidu Post, a popular Internet forum. "The girls are not as stylish or good-looking as before, and the comments are not as sharp. It has become a little boring."

However, as many questions before the SARFT ban were about a man"s wealth and family background, contestants have been regularly dubbed "materialist gold diggers" by Chinese media commentators and netizens.

Ma Nuo, a 22-year-old Beijing model, was accused in the press of being "vicious" and "money-driven" after she said during one episode that she "would rather weep in a BMW" than take a romantic spin on the back of one contestant"s bicycle.

However, 25-year-old bachelor Wang Wenqing believes he was chosen as a contestant because he represents a certain group of people: Ambitious, hardworking young professionals who would rather keep a low profile than be in the spotlight. Similarly, said Wang, so-called material girls like Ma also represent a section of society.

As the temptation to use sensationalism to attract viewers grows, the media needs to shoulder more responsibility, argued Zheng at Renmin University of China.

"Media outlets should safeguard the core values of a society," he said, "not just blindly follow hot issues."

Dating show fan Qian, however, shrugged off any suggestion of viewers being affected by what the contestants think.

"You can"t take that gold-digging mentality stuff too seriously," she added. "My beliefs about life and marriage will never change because of that."


allude 影射
allure 诱惑力, 魅力
barb 带刺的话
blogosphere 博客世界
confrontational 挑衅的, 对抗的
contestant 选手
controversial 有争议的, 引起争议的
controversy 公开辩论,论战
counselor 顾问
format 电视节目的总安排
keep a low profile 保持低调
provoking 令人生气的;使人恼火的
sensationalism 耸人听闻,哗众取宠
vicious 残酷的, 狠毒的
weep 哭泣,流泪

非诚勿扰原型   英国相亲节目 Take Me Out


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