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British People and Places 英国人文

来源:ACT 时间:2016-12-03 点击:
1 Bronte Sisters 勃朗特三姐妹They’ve been made into films, acted out on stage for decades, and remain some of the most popular novels of all time. The works of the Bronte sisters remain as fresh and exciting as they were when they were first written 150 years ago. In this programme, Jean and Andrea take a closer look at their enduring appeal.勃朗特三姐妹的经典小说有的已经被拍成了电影,有的被搬上了舞台已达数十年,并一直为世人传颂。勃朗特三姐妹在距今150年前撰写的这些经典之作在如今看来依然令人感觉新鲜有趣、激动人心。在本期节目中,董征和Andrea Rose对这三位才女的骄人成绩作了一次聚焦探访。 Listen Bronte Sisters Bronte Sisters Script2 Comic Relief 慈善募捐Comic Relief is one of the biggest fundraising marathons on British television. We find out what goes on at this big charity event and why comedians are involved. 英国的Comic Relief是英国一年一度的最大型电视马拉松慈善募捐活动。本期节目会为大家介绍这一盛大慈善募捐都有哪些活动,以及为何有那么多的喜剧表演艺术家会加入进来。 Listen Comic Relief Comic Relief Script 3 Connie Fisher 康妮▪费舍儿Connie Fisher, a 23 year old actress from Wales, competed in a TV competition in 2006 against many other hopefuls and won the role of Maria in the famous musical The Sound of Music. Listen to this programme to find out more. 23岁的威尔士女孩康妮•费舍尔在2006年的电视选秀大赛中力搏群雄,赢得了在音乐剧《音乐之声》中扮演女主角玛丽亚的机会。本期节目为大家详细介绍她的这一番经历。 Listen Connie Fisher Connie Fisher Script 4 Elena Roger - Evita 伊琳娜•罗杰 - 埃维塔 Elena Roger is one of the most recent stars to play the part of Evita in the West End theatre district of London. She got the part by sending the famous director of the musical, Andrew Lloyd Webber, a DVD of her work. Listen and find out more. 伊琳娜•罗杰士是最近在伦敦的西区剧院最新主演埃维塔一角的英国演员。她得到此角色的成功秘诀是给此音乐剧导演安德烈‧洛伊‧韦伯寄去了她的表演素材DVD。 Listen Elena Roger - Evita Elena Roger - Evita Script 5 Fire of London 伦敦大火 More than 450 years ago there was a great fire which devastated London. We go back in time to see what London was like in those days and discover the history of the tragic fire. 在450年前,伦敦的一场巨大的火灾给这座城市曾带来过毁灭性的打击。本期节目中我们带领大家穿越时间回到伦敦大火的时代,一同探寻伦敦的历史。 Listen Fire of London Fire of London Script6 Jane Austen 简•奥斯汀 Vicki and Oliver get excited about a new film about the classic female author Jane Austen called Becoming Jane, and a TV adaptation of one of her novels. Vicki gathers commentators and critics heard on the BBC and finds out from them why the new film is both good and bad. 本期节目中Vicki与郑贵东为大家介绍最近的一部新片,讲述的是英国古典小说家简▪奥斯汀的故事,片名就叫《简▪奥斯汀》。与此同时,也有一部以她小说为题材改编的电视节目。Vicki收集到了BBC各位节目评论员与评论家对此影片的褒贬意见。 Listen Jane Austen Jane Austen Script7 Madame Tussauds 杜莎夫人蜡像馆 Jo Reffin and Oliver Zheng as they visit Madame Tussauds, a top tourist attraction in London. Find out more about what there is to see there and the business of making wax figures of the world"s most famous celebrities. Jo Reffin和郑贵东在本期节目中带领大家参观英国伦敦的旅游热点--杜莎夫人蜡像馆,共同了解蜡像馆的引人之处,以及这专以制造世界名人蜡像闻名的独特生意。 Listen Madame Tussauds Madame Tussauds Script 8 Suburbia 郊区、市郊How would you describe where you live: as the town or the country? But what if you don"t live in either, where would you be? Suburbia is the word which not only explains that area between town and country, but in British cultural terms it means so much more. Find out its meaning in this programme with John and Oliver.你会如何形容你的居住地区?是城镇还是乡村?也许两者都不是,那又会是什么地方呢?英语中的Suburbia(市郊)这个词可能对你有帮助。它不仅解释了城市与乡村之间的这一地带,而且它还有更丰富的文化含义。请听John和郑桂东的介绍。 Listen Suburbia Suburbia Script 9 Terracotta Army in London 始皇帝在伦敦 After months of waiting, the largest Terracotta Army exhibition outside China opened in London at the British Museum. Helen Hu and Oliver Zheng find out why people are fascinated by the clay soldiers and how the museum prepared for the grand opening. 经过了数月的期待,中国境外首次最大型的兵马俑展览在伦敦的大英博物馆开幕了。海伦和郑贵东在本期节目中为大家揭示为何人们会对这中国的古泥塑如此着迷,以及大英博物馆对此隆重的展览所作的周密准备工作。 Listen Terracotta Army in London Terracotta Army in London Script10 Tower of London 伦敦塔The tower of London is one of the most popular tourist attractions in London. We discover how and why it was built and find out about it’s gruesome history. 伦敦的伦敦塔是英国最引人的旅游热点之一。本期节目会带大家探寻伦敦塔的建筑起源以及它的残暴历史。 Listen Tower of London Tower of London Script


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