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  • 发声网站,让文盲也可以上网

    Jun 18th 2009From The Economist print editionWebsites that use the spoken word will empower the illi

  • 关于爱因斯坦你不知道的10件事

    爱思英语编者按:大多数人都知道, 爱因斯坦是一个著名科学家,他想出了著名公式e = mc2 。但是,有10件事也许你不知道。Most people know that Albert Einstein

  • 澳媒评百佳歌曲 众女星无一上榜

    爱思英语编者按:澳大利亚近日开展了一项史上百佳歌曲评选,结果无一女星上榜,这表明,在广袤的澳洲大陆上,音乐发烧友们眼中的世界是一个男人的世界。An Australian vote for the 1

  • 导致家庭压力的5个隐形原因

    爱思英语编者按:家是繁忙疲惫的都市人休憩的净土。但是由于经济危机,家庭成员之间缺乏联系,父母和孩子之间的代沟,养家糊口的压力变大,婚姻的道德束缚变小,导致在家的压力有所增大。Has your home

  • 美国历史:100位历史名人榜

    1 Abraham LincolnHe saved the Union, freed the slaves, and presided over America’s second founding 2

  • Vitamins 维他命

    Colourful vitamin pills seem magical but do they really work? Some Chinese people take multivitami

  • 最该知道的杰克逊十大奇闻趣事

    爱思英语编者按:昔日歌王迈克尔-杰克逊在美国洛杉矶因心脏病突发去世,终年50岁。而Michael Jackson的成功没有人可以质疑,他的光辉战绩可以说是世界首屈一指有人说迈克尔杰克逊是一个神奇的怪物

  • 英国慈善义工获“世界最好工作”

    中文版Winner of The Best Job in the World competition Ben Southall of Britain May 6, 2009 A bungee j

  • 世界上真的有圣诞老人吗

    Is there really a Santa Claus?  现在,圣诞老人依然会在圣诞节前夜给表现良好的孩子们送来玩具和礼物。有时,孩子们会对圣诞老人产生怀疑,很想知道是不是真的有圣诞老人。189

  • 布什哀悼遇难宇航员的讲话

    Remarks by the President on the Loss of Space Shuttle Columbia My fellow Americans, this day has bro

  • 从侍者到歌坛巨星

    Norah Jones: From Waitress to Superstar A young woman sits down at the piano Her long flowing brown

  • 人的包装-找到真正的自己

    Packaging A Person   A person, like a commodity, needs packaging But going too far is absolutely

  • 奇迹的代价

    Price Of A Miracle Tess was a precocious eight-year-old girl when she heard her Mom and Dad talki

  • 我听到了爱的声音

    I “Heard” the Love 我听到了爱的声音 When I was growing up I do not recall heari

  • 我的世界观--爱因斯坦

    The World As I See It

  • 知道我有多么爱你-SHMILY

    SHMILY 知道我有多么爱你 My grandparents were married for over half a century, and played th

  • 我孤独中的伴侣

    Lawrence Sterne to Miss L劳伦斯-斯特恩致L小姐Yes! I will steal from the world, and not a babbling tongue shal

  • 如果我能留住彩虹

    If I could catch a rainbowI would do it just for youAnd share with its beautyOn the days you’r

  • My Safe Child 我那安全的孩子

    My Safe Child By Daphna Baram, Israel文 Daphna Baram 译 邹红云 I am thirty-three years old, and I am so h

  • The color of friendship


  • AIDS患者:给我穿红色衣服

    In my dual profession as an educator and health care provider,I have worked with numerous children i

  • 中国进入网络化时代

    [1]It is a narrow room, a meter and a half wide, decorated『装饰;布置』with the awkward『令人尴尬的;不合适的』minimal

  • 是的,你行

    你能想象得到一个人在经历了两场重大的事故后,在身体高位瘫痪的情况下会取得什么样的成就吗?让我们来看看发生在米切尔身上的事。Experience is not what happens to a man

  • 谁是世界上最幸福的人

    Who Are the Happiest People? 谁是世界上最幸福的人 只有傻瓜才不考虑别人的利益。抛弃自己国家的传统来创造更好的社会是一种错误的方式。 一个民族失去了自己的神话,就失去了自我

  • 如果世界是个一百人的村落

    To all my friends and loved onesLove from meUseful Perspective致朋友们以及我所爱的人们这是一份爱的礼物也是一席金玉良言 If the wo

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