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Boogie 跳舞

来源:BBC英语 时间:2016-11-13 点击:


People having a boogie

Jo: Welcome to BBC Learning English and our Real English programme. I"m Jo and with me today is Lily.

Lily: Hello! 大家好。两分钟的地道英语专门介绍英国当代流行语,其中很多都是在书本上或字典里查不到的。Jo, 今天的新词是什么?

Jo: We"re going to look at the word boogie. B.O.O.G.I.E. Boogie.

Lily: Jo 你来说说 boogie 这个词是什么意思?

Jo: Well it"s very simple actually – boogie is simply another word for dance.

Lily: 真的? Boogie 就是跳舞的意思?

Jo: Yes it can be used as a verb or as a noun. So you could say "I want to boogie" – or "are you having a boogie?"

Lily: Boogie 这个词既可以做动词也可以做名词。Jo 这个词可以对任何人使用,还是仅仅限于熟悉的朋友呢?

Jo: Well it"s not a bad word or a rude word – it is informal but there would be nothing wrong if you said this to your boss or a colleague.

Lily: 清楚了,这是个中性词,凡是你想说 dance 跳舞的时候,都可以使用 boogie 来代替,是吗?

Jo: That"s right. Let"s listen to some examples.


A: So did you go anywhere good last night?

B: We went for a few drinks and then decided to go for a boogie in that new club on the high street.

A: That was one of the best office parties we"ve ever had.

B: You seemed to be enjoying yourself – I saw you boogying with Sam at one point.

Jo: So Lily – do you enjoy a good boogie?

Lily: Oh yes, very much. And you Jo? You look like a person who might enjoy a good boogie?

Jo: I love a good boogie Lily. I just don"t go out to clubs as much as I used to when I was a student.

Lily: Are you a good dancer?

Jo: I"m ok at boogying – I"m not really bad let"s say. Anyway enough of this boogie talk!

Lily: 好了,今天的新词就是跳舞 – boogie. 希望大家经常登陆我们的双语网页学习更多的新词语

Jo: Thanks for listening to BBC Learning English – we"ll see you next time.

Lily: Bye!


下一篇:Journey to the West 西游记


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