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Sumatran Rhinos 苏门答腊犀牛

来源:BBC英语 时间:2018-12-09 点击:

By Jennifer Pak, Kuala Lumpur

A rare Sumatran rhino

Researchers hope this rhino is pregnant


Background: 马来西亚生态环境保护者用相机拍到了一头稀有的苏门答腊犀牛。据称这头犀牛已经怀孕。看到这种濒临灭绝的动物在婆罗洲岛的野外繁育,也让人们看到了它们的希望。婆罗洲岛分别隶属于马来西亚、印度尼西亚和文莱三个国家。


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    This is the first time that researchers have captured an image of a female Sumatran rhino believed to be pregnant.

    There are so few of these animals left in the wild - possibly no more than 30 on Borneo - that experts say each new calf is a lifeline for the species.

    The female is thought to be around 20 years old, and the researchers have set up some 50 cameras in the area to try and track her movements.

    If she is indeed pregnant - and the experts say they can"t be sure yet - the birth of a calf would go some way to allaying fears that the rhinos have become so isolated from each other, they are not even meeting to breed.

    The location of the rhino is being kept secret, as this is an area where poaching, and also illegal logging, are a huge threat.

    The Sumatran rhino is an extremely shy creature which is rarely seen.

    Researchers are trying to gather more information on the health and condition of the species through the use of remote cameras.

    There was excitement recently when the cameras caught images of two young rhino in the area where the female has been spotted.

    The World Wildlife Fund is working with local officials to produce an action plan to protect forest reserves, and to rescue rhinos where necessary to help them breed.

    Glossary 词汇表 (收听发音, 请单击英语单词)

    researchers研究人员in the wild在野外calf幼仔lifeline生命线track her movements跟踪她的行踪allaying fears减少担心isolated孤立、隔绝breed繁育poaching偷猎illegal logging非法伐木shy胆小的spotted发现、注意到World Wildlife Fund世界野生动物基金组织action plan行动计划

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