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Catch Up 朋友小聚

来源:英语教学 时间:2018-11-15 点击:


Friends get together
How often do you catch up with your friends?

Diarmuid: Hello and welcome to Authentic Real English from BBC Learning English. I"m Diarmuid and I"m here today with Feifei.

Feifei: Hello Diarmuid, how are you?

Diarmuid: Actually, I"m a little tired. I was at my school reunion last night and I didn"t get to bed until very late.

Feifei: 那你一定玩儿的很开心啦?

Diarmuid: Yes, it was great to catch up with my old classmates.

Feifei: What did you do with your old classmates?

Diarmuid: I caught up with my old classmates. To catch up - C.A.T.C.H. U.P. - catch up with someone means to find out what they have being doing since you last met.

Feifei: 当我们说 to catch up with someone 意思就是了解某人近况,自你上次和某个朋友通过话或见过面后他/她最近的生活,工作,情感等等方面的状况。那距你上次和同学 caught up 相隔了多久呀?

Diarmuid: Yes, it has been nearly five years since we caught up at our last reunion party.

Feifei: 我们来听一些例子教我们怎么使用 catch up.


A: What are you doing this afternoon?

B: I"m catching up with my friend as I haven’t seen her in ages.

A: I think we need to have more regular meetings.

B: Yes, let’s try to catch up once a week.

Feifei: Did you find out anything interesting when you were catching up with your classmates?

Diarmuid: Well, I heard a rumour 传闻 that one of them won the lottery 中彩票了。

Feifei: Really?

Diarmuid: I don"t know. I wasn"t able to talk to him last night. But we have arranged a catch up next week. I will ask him then.

Feifei: 刚刚你说 a catch-up, 那么这个短语还有它的名词形式?

Diarmuid: A catch-up as a noun refers to a meeting.

Feifei: I see. What a useful word catch-up is. 别忘了可以可以登陆我们每天更新的网站学习更多的地道英语

Diarmuid: Bye.

Feifei: Bye.

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