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来源:标准英语 时间:2018-11-22 点击:


Are more women moving into corporate boardrooms?

At least one study says yes. In the first three months of the year, 38% of new directors 38 of 101 appointments were women, according to data compiled by quarterly journal Directors & Boards. That"s the highest number and percentage since the publication began counting in 1994.
至少有一项调查的结果是这样。季刊《董事会》(Directors & Boards)整理的数据显示,今年前三个月,新任董事中有38%是女性──任命的101位董事中有38位女性。这是该期刊1994年开始这项统计以来女性新任董事人数和比例最高的一次。

Women"s share of board appointments has been climbing for the past two years and spiked in the most recent quarter, says James Kristie, editor of Directors & Boards. For all of 2007 and 2008, it averaged about 25%; in 2006 it was 18.5%.
《董事会》编辑詹姆斯?克莉丝蒂(James Kristie)说,近两年来,女性在董事会中的比例一直在上升,今年一季度更是大幅增长。2007年和2008年,女性董事的比例平均约为25%,2006年为18.5%。

"We"re at a new opportunity level for women to go on boards finally," says Mr. Kristie.

He sees several changes driving up the numbers. For one, it"s getting harder to convince active CEOs to serve as directors at other companies, so boards are being forced to look at a broader pool of candidates, Mr. Kristie says. That"s giving more women including senior-level female executives who aren"t CEOs a better shot at a board seat. Plus, as more women get on boards, they may be opening doors to other women"s candidacies, Mr. Kristie says.

The recession may also help. "You may have a lot of men executives who have perhaps lost their jobs or demurring on taking on new boards," Mr. Kristie says.

Some of the new appointees are joining big companies. Microsoft named to its board Maria Klawe, president of Harvey Mudd College; Chiquita Brands International named Kerrii Anderson, former CEO of Wendy"s International; ConAgra Foods named Joie Gregor, who served as assistant to the president for presidential personnel under George W. Bush; and VF Corp. named Juliana Chugg, senior vice president at General Mills. Directors & Boards tracks every new director it notices, monitoring press releases, specialized websites and appointment announcements it receives.
有些新任董事加入大公司。微软(Microsoft)任命哈维姆德学院(Harvey Mudd College)校长玛丽亚?柯罗(Maria Klawe)为董事,鲜果巨头Chiquita Brands International任命Wendy"s International前首席执行长科瑞?安德森(Kerrii Anderson)担任董事,ConAgra Foods任命曾在布什总统时期担任总统人事部门总统助手的乔伊?格雷戈尔(Joie Gregor)为董事,服装生产商VF Corp.任命General Mills高级副总裁朱莉安娜?查格(Juliana Chugg)为董事。《董事会》期刊跟踪每一位它注意到的新任董事,密切注意新闻稿、专门网站以及收到的任命声明。更多信息请访问:

Others who follow new-director appointments aren"t seeing a surge. Julie Daum, who heads the North American board services practice at executive search firm Spencer Stuart, says about 20% of its director placements in the past quarter were women, up only slightly from 17% to 18% in 2008.
其他跟踪新董事任命的机构认为女性比例没有大幅上升。高管研究机构史宾沙公司(Spencer Stuart)北美地区董事会服务业务主管朱莉?道姆(Julie Daum)说,上个季度约有20%的新任董事是女性,只略高于2008年17%-18%的比例。

She does think the conditions are right for more women to come onto boards. "Boards are much more thoughtful about how they recruit there"s much more of a process in place where they define what they"re looking for," she says. "Which is different from saying, "We have an opening. Does anybody know who might be good?""

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