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Suppose 设想

来源:英语教学 时间:2018-11-30 点击:

Can you tell me how to use the word "suppose" as I often hear people use it?


What is the meaning of the word suppose? 杨莉通过大量例句和翻译来解释 suppose




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    This programme illustrates the various ways in which you can use this word with different dialogues and examples.

    以下是 suppose 的三个基本用法:

      1. To think, believe or assume that something is true or probable. 设想,推测。 For example, what makes you suppose that I am against it?

        2. To pretend that something is true 表示虚拟设想。For example, suppose you had a million pounds what would you do with it?

        3. Be supposed to do something. 固定短语, 意思是份内职责或期待中应该做什么。Look at this dialogue:

          A: Did you hear that Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize?

          B: What for?

          A: For strengthening diplomacy.

          B: Ridiculous. Isn’t that what he is supposed to do?

          Listen to the examples by native speakers of English and learn to use the word appropriately.

          Good luck and enjoy!

          If you have a question about English, email our team at We may answer it on this programme.

          Glossary 词汇


          dialogue 对话

          appropriately 得体地/合适地

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