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来源:双语新闻 时间:2018-12-19 点击:

IN THE small world of traditional French Catholicism, everybody knows about Abbé Francis Michel. For the past 23 years this small, stubborn figure in his well-worn soutane has been responsible for the cure of souls in the village of Thiberville in Normandy. The locals like his conservative style, even though his Latin services would not suit all French churchgoers. The village’s 12th-century church, and the 13 other places of worship under his care, are kept in good repair by his supporters. (These days, some priests in rural France must cope with as many as 30 churches.)
在一个传统的法国天主教信徒的小圈子里,每个人都认识神父弗朗西•斯米歇尔(Francis Michel)。23年来,这个矮小且固执、穿着陈旧法袍的人一直担任着诺曼底的蒂贝维尔村落居民的心灵救赎工作。尽管他的拉丁语布道并不适合所有去教堂的法语听众,但是当地人仍然喜欢他的保守风格。村里一座12世纪时期及另外13座都由他经管的每座教堂,皆因他的支持者而一直保持着良好的修缮。(近年来,有些法国乡村的神父必须负责多达30座教堂。)

Since the start of the year Abbé Francis has been at war with the region’s bishop—in church terms, a liberal—who has been trying to close the parish and move him to other duties. Uproar ensued in January when the bishop came to mass and tried to give the priest his marching orders. Most villagers followed Abbé Francis as he strode off to another church and celebrated in the old-fashioned way. He has made two appeals to Rome, both rejected on technicalities; a third is pending.

To Father Francis’s admirers Thiberville is a pinpoint of light against a sombre background: the near-collapse of Catholicism in some of its heartlands. In the diocese of Evreux, Christianity has been part of the fabric of life for 15 centuries. Of its 600,000 inhabitants, about 400,000 might call themselves, at least loosely, Catholic. But the number of priests under the age of 70 is a mere 39, and only seven of those are under 40. That is just a bit worse than average in a country that, as recently as the 1950s, boasted 40,000 active priests; in a few years, the number under 65 will be a tenth of that. This suggests a body that is not so much shrinking as dying.
在神父弗朗西斯的崇拜者看来,蒂贝维尔代表了黯淡背景色之下的一线光明:天主教在其部分中心地带已临近崩溃。在埃夫勒教区,基督教作为人们生活的组成部分已达15个世纪之久。教区的60万居民中约有40万大概会把自己称为(或起码是宽松意义上的)天主教徒。可是,这里未满70岁的神父仅仅剩下了39 人,其中40 岁以下的只有7人。该教区的状况只略逊于全国平均状态。而这个国家就在近期的上世纪50年代中,还宣称它拥有40000名在职神父;未来几年内,65岁以下的神父将缩减到上述数字的十分之一。如此看来,与其说神职人员这个群体正在萎缩,不如说它正频临死亡。

On closer inspection French Catholicism is not dead, but it is splintering to the point where the centre barely holds. The brightest flickers are on the fringes: individuals like Abbé Pierre, founder of the Emmaus movement for the homeless; “charismatics” whose style draws on Pentecostalism, and traditionalists who love Latin rites and processions. Meanwhile, the church’s relatively liberal mainstream is almost in free fall. As conservatives like Abbé Francis see it, it is largely the liberals’ own fault: “They keep selling and closing properties, while we [traditionalists] are busy building and restoring.”
更进一步观察法国的天主教可见,它其实并没未死去,却因四分五裂,几乎失去了中心。那些最亮丽的星星之火分散在边缘地带,比如像皮埃尔神父这样的神职人士:皮埃尔是为无家可归者发起马忤斯运动(Emmaus movement)的创始人、风格类同五旬节派的灵恩派(“charismatics”)以及热衷拉丁仪式和列队的传统教派。相比之下,教会相对的自由主义主流教派正迅速解体。类似神父弗朗西斯这样的保守派认为,这主要是因为自由主义者本身犯下的过错:“他们在不断地出售和关闭教堂产业,而我们[传统派]在积极地兴建和修复。”

Among Europe’s historically Catholic lands, France is an outlier. Its leap into modernity took the form of a secular revolution; that differs from places like Ireland or Poland, where church and modern nationhood go together. Things are different again in Bavaria or the southern Netherlands, where the church inspires local pride; or in Spain, where Catholicism is at issue in an ideological war.

But in many European places where Catholicism remained all-powerful until say, 1960, the church is losing whatever remains of its grip on society at an accelerating pace. The drop in active adherence to, and knowledge of, Christianity is a long-running and gentle trend; but the hollowing out of church structures—parishes, monasteries, schools, universities, charities—is more dramatic. That is the backdrop against which the paedophile scandal, now raging across Europe after its explosion in the United States, has to be understood. The church’s fading institutional power makes it (mercifully) easier for people who were abused by clerics to speak out; and as horrors are laid bare, the church, in many people’s eyes, grows even weaker.

A couple of decades ago Ireland defied the idea that modern societies grow secular: churches were packed. But last year, after a decade of mounting anger over clerical malpractice, the nation was stunned by two exposés of cruelty by men and women of God. First, a nine-year investigation found that thousands of children had been maltreated at church-run industrial schools and orphanages. Then a probe of the archdiocese of Dublin, over the three decades up to 2004, not only found widespread child abuse by priests but police collusion in hiding it. Five Irish bishops offered to step down; the pope has accepted three resignations and is considering the others. When a new bishop, Liam MacDaid, took office on July 25th, he presented a stark picture: “Society has forced us in the Irish church to look into the mirror, and what we saw [was] weakness and failure, victims and abuse.”
二十年前,爱尔兰顶住了现代社会向世俗发展的挑战:教堂里信徒济济。去年,在十年来对神职人员的渎职积压如山的愤怒之中,全国又因两起 “上帝的男女”残酷行为曝光而震惊。先是一宗9年的调查,查出了成千名儿童在教会办的产业学校和孤儿院里受到虐待;再一起是对都柏林大主教管区一宗长达30年的探查,及至2004年为止。从中不仅揭出了神父虐待儿童行为泛滥成灾,还发现警方也牵涉窜通一气隐瞒罪行。五名爱尔兰主教因此请辞下坛,教皇已经接受了其中三人并考虑其他两人的请辞。当新主教利亚姆•麦克戴迪(Liam MacDaid)于7月25日上任时,说了一个严酷的现实:“社会已经逼着爱尔兰教会去照镜子,我们从中看到的[是]弱点与失败,受害者与虐待”。

Ireland is still a churchgoing nation; about half claim to attend mass weekly, and there has been an uptick since the economy turned sour. But in a land that used to export priests and nuns to the world, vocations have dried up. In a couple of decades there could be a French-style implosion. That need not imply a collapse in Christian belief; but as one Catholic history buff puts it, rural Ireland could go back to its early medieval state, when a largely priestless folk-religion held sway. Already, popular religion—local pilgrimages, or books on Celtic prayer—does better than anything involving priests. And Ireland’s political class, once so priest-ridden, now distances itself from the clergy.

A state within a state

In Belgium, where Catholicism used to hold a disparate nation together, relations between church and state have been transformed in a spectacular way. On June 24th, as the country’s nine bishops were conferring at their headquarters, the building was taken over by the police. On the same day police raided the home of a retired archbishop, drilled holes in the tomb of at least one cardinal (looking for hidden papers) and took away 450 documents from the office of a church committee that was probing clerical abuse. The committee, headed by a layman, resigned in protest.
比利时的天主教会曾经帮助一个多民族之国和谐相处,如今教会和国家之间已转化成各走各的阳关道。 今年6月24日,正当9名主教在其总部教堂商议事务时,警察封锁了教堂。同日,警方突袭了一名退休大主教的住处,在至少一名位红衣主教的墓顶上钻洞打孔(寻找匿藏的文件),并从一个正在查询教士虐待事件的教区委员会办公室里取走了450份文件。这个由普通教徒领导的委员会以解散表示抗议。

What the Belgian and Irish stories suggest is the collapse of a centuries-old order in which the church functioned as a sort of “state within a state”—administering its own affairs, and often the affairs of its flock, by a system of law and authority that ran in parallel with, and could trump, the authority of the state. Europe’s enlightenment may have put an end to the sort of formal theocracy in which popes commanded armies and kings ruled by divine right. But in a messy mixture of ways the authority of church and state has remained intertwined across Europe.

Even now quasi-theocracy dies hard. Ireland’s hierarchs have lost their grip on secondary and higher education, but primary schooling is still a church-based affair; even non-Christian youngsters are drilled in Catholic teaching. In France the Catholic hierarchy had until recently an informal place in the establishment. Nicolas Sarkozy may be the first French president who does not see the archbishop of Paris as a natural interlocutor. Mr Sarkozy, whose own roots are secular and Jewish, speaks of the church from an outsider’s distance.

As the Irish case shows, the most insidious links between church and state are often informal ones, which can leave priests and bishops virtually exempt from scrutiny. But all over Europe the child-abuse scandal has made secular powers keener to reassert their authority, and less willing to accept the Catholic church as a semi-autonomous power. In almost every country, therefore, the church is in decline as an institution—a situation in contrast to its vibrancy in Africa, Asia and much of Latin America, and the energy brought by Latinos to the church in the United States. But its decline across Europe is not uniform; in each country, the church faces a different mixture of threats and residual strengths.

Across southern Europe an intense, atavistic attachment to Catholic tradition remains, sharpened by a perceived challenge from the fast-growing Muslim neighbours. In Italy Catholicism, as a mark of cultural difference in a homogenising world, is held dear in some unlikely quarters: among atheist intellectuals, for example. As recently as 2006 a research institute, Eurispes, asserted that the share of Italians calling themselves Catholic had risen by eight percentage points over 15 years, to 88%. It also found that 37% of Catholics claimed to be regular mass-goers. Despite the decline of its flagship party, the Christian Democrats, the church has muscle; it has seen off challenges to Italy’s strict curbs on in vitro fertilisation.
在整个欧洲南部,依然保留着一种强烈回归天主教传统的依附情节,它因穆斯林邻居在快速增多,感到挑战而加剧了。意大利天主教,作为一个文化差异同处和谐世界的标志,在一些不可能的地方得到供奉:如进入无神论的知识分子之中。意大利一家研究所Eurispes跟据不久前的2006年的一项调查宣称,15年来,意大利人自称是天主教徒的人数上升了8个百分点,达到了88%。调查还发现,37%的天主教徒说自己按时去做弥撒。尽管它的旗舰党“基督教民主党”失去了影响力,教会仍然强壮,它在意大利对 “体外受孕” 的严格限制上赢得了胜利。

Belief survives, but trust has gone

But Italians are less pious than they pretend. A study of central Sicily, published this year, found that only 18% of people actually went to church, although 30% said they did. And the Eurispes study of Italy found that 66% backed liberal divorce laws and 38% supported euthanasia. Only 19% favoured abortion on demand, but 65% could accept the practice in cases of rape. Strikingly, more Catholics than non-Catholics supported cohabitation by unmarried couples. Behind supposed religious uniformity lies a range of views. “Rather than Catholicism, it is more accurate to talk about Catholicisms,” says Giuseppe Giordan, a sociologist of religion. “There are those who identify completely with the teaching of the pope, and those who dissent—both from the traditionalist and liberal viewpoints.” Among those who—paradoxically—find Pope Benedict XVI’s church a tad liberal are xenophobic groups that fear Islam: they groan at the sight of Catholic charities running halal soup-kitchens for immigrants.
可是,意大利人并不像比他们表面上那么虔诚。今年刊登的一项西西里岛中心地区的研究发现,虽然有30%的人表示去教堂,但实际上只有18%付诸行动。Eurispes发表的意大利研究发现66%的人们支持自由离婚,38%支持安乐死。只有19%赞成按需要堕胎,但65%可以接受因强奸受孕的堕胎。令人惊诧的是,相比非天主教徒,有更多的天主教徒支持夫妇未婚同居。在原本同一宗教信仰的背后是众说纷纭的观点。 “与其笼统说‘天主教’,不如更准确地说是各种天主教”,宗教社会学家朱焦尔(Giuseppe Giordan)如是指出: “有些人完全认同教宗的教导,有些持不同看法——来自教会传统主义和自由主义的两种观点都有”。   其中,恐惧伊斯兰的排外团体(自相矛盾地)认为教宗本笃十六世的教会过于自由主义,他们抱怨天主教慈善机构“汤厨房”为移民提供了清真汤。

Across much of traditionally Catholic Europe, there is massive dissent from the church’s teaching on morality. If the Vatican has lost credibility in this area, says Mr Giordan, it is for reasons that go beyond sex: it has failed to see that since the 1960s, there has been “a huge anthropological change in favour of…freedom of choice. People are no longer prepared to obey instructions.” The pope’s defenders—like Giovanni Maria Vian, editor of the Vatican daily, L’Osservatore Romano—would insist that Pope Benedict does believe in human freedom: he would prefer a small church of freely committed believers than a giant flock herded in by custom or constraint. But in many parts of Europe, critics of the Vatican feel it still tries to tilt the playing-field—by clinging on to old privileges—rather than embracing religious freedom.
大多数传统欧洲天主教国家对教会的伦理说教产生了大量异议。如果梵蒂冈已经失去了在此领域的信誉,焦尔先生说,那就有比性问题而更加深远的原因了:自上世纪60年代起就出现了“一个巨大人类学的变化... 获得选择自由。人们已不愿意再俯首听令”。教宗卫士如梵蒂冈日报《观察家》(L’Osservatore Romano)的编辑,乔瓦尼•玛丽亚•维安(Giovanni Maria Vian)坚持本笃十六世是奉信人类自由的:比起一个因习俗或约束才聚拢的庞大信众,他宁要一个小教堂的自择并坚定的群体。但在欧洲许多地方,梵蒂冈的批评家认为教会仍然利用宗教影响力,抓住传统特权不放,不愿接受宗教信仰自由。

The end of obedience

In Spain the church presents all these contradictions: it is culturally very strong, and rooted in one half of a divided society. It is losing its sway over people’s behaviour but retains a loud and controversial voice. Some 28% of people in Spain call themselves practising Catholics, and another 46% non-practising Catholics; as many as 38% profess devotion to a particular saint or image of Christ or the Virgin Mary. But secularism, and a long-term backlash against the Catholic authoritarianism of the past, is on the march: 2009 was the year when town-hall weddings finally overtook those in church.
西班牙的教会出现了以下种种矛盾现象:它在文化上的影响依然非常强势,成为一个分裂社会中一半人的信仰根基;它正逐步失去对人们行为的影响,却仍然有个引发争议的高嗓门。西班牙约有28%的人自称为忠实履行信仰义务的天主教徒,另有46%为非履行义务教徒。多达38%的人虔诚地供奉某个特定圣人或耶稣或圣母玛利亚的圣像。但是世俗主义者以及长期强烈反对天主教权威历史的人数越来越多:2009年破了一个记录: 这年在市政府举行的婚礼终于超过了教堂的婚礼。

In recent weeks thousands of Spanish Catholics have joined church-backed rallies against a new, liberal abortion law, part of the ruling Socialists’ programme of radical change. In other measures, gay marriage has been legalised and religious (in effect, Catholic) education has been downgraded. Rallies in favour of the new abortion law were just as large, though, and a centre-right government would be unlikely to change it. The church can still mobilise, but it cannot impose its will.

Among the Catholic nations of Europe, Poland stands out as the only place where seminaries are full and priests abound. The percentage of churchgoers remains high, though it peaked, at 55%, in 1987. But Catholicism has no monopoly over Poland’s public square; the country played host this summer to a European gay pride march, and this year’s musical hits include a song by a famous crooner, Olga Jackowska, in which she discloses that she was abused by a priest as a child. Nor is Polish Catholicism immune from social changes; a survey of Polish priests found that 54% said they would like to have a wife and family, and 12% said they already had a stable relationship with a woman.
在欧洲的天主教国家中,波兰是仅有无二的国家:它的神学院里学生和神父人头满满。波兰去教堂的人数比例一直保持高位,该数字在1987年的时候达到了顶峰,为55%。虽然如此,天主教却无法独占波兰的公众广场。波兰今年夏天成为欧洲同性恋豪情大游行的东道国;今年登上金榜的音乐中有一首著名低音歌手奥尔加•杰可瓦斯卡(Olga Jackowska)的歌曲,歌词披露她在童年时期曾遭到一名神父侵犯。此外,波兰天主教也无法在社会变迁中独“善”其身。在对波兰神职人员的一份调查中发现,54%的人表示他们希望拥有妻子和家庭,12%表示自己已经与一名女性组成了稳定关系。

But for Poles Catholicism retains a huge emotional power. It is true that Polish Catholicism has a vitriolic fringe, prone to bigotry and anti-Semitism. But there are several positive traditions on which the church can draw, ranging from the efforts of John Paul II to improve relations with Jews to the tolerant nature of the 17th-century Polish Commonwealth, which had room for Protestants, Jews and Muslims. Unlike the once-mighty Latin churches at whose behest the New World was conquered, the Polish church sees itself as honourable but embattled: a defender of the nation against invasion and a comfort in its darkest days.

Embracing humility

Poland’s tradition—or rather, some carefully selected bits of it—is one place to which the Vatican might look if it wants to shake off the habit of arrogance that has bedevilled its responses to the child-abuse scandal. It is true that most of the cases took place in the 1960s and 1970s; the culture of cronyism and impunity which made such horrors possible is now well in the past, and most of the institutions involved have been shut for decades. But many of today’s senior bishops were part of the world that tried to cover these things up. That is deeply embarrassing for the elderly men who now run the church, including the 83-year-old pontiff. And their reaction has ranged from slow to staggeringly insensitive.

As a rule of thumb, the reaction has been especially clumsy in parts of Europe (including Rome itself) where the church has recent memories of enjoying unchallenged power; and much more intelligent, and appropriately humble, in places where the church was used to fighting its own corner in a noisy democratic space.

Take the sunny Saturday in May when the Dutch diocese of Roermond, in the country’s Catholic south, commemorated 450 years of life. In deference to the public mood, the festivities were reduced in scale, and a note of repentance was added to a dignified cathedral service. A small group of child-abuse protesters rallied outside, but the impression was left of a church already working to clean its stables.

In the French city of Lyon, where St Irenaeus hammered out some of the basics of Christian doctrine 19 centuries ago, the church is downsizing in a different way. One of its best-known priests is Father Christian Delorme, an admirer of Gandhi who has been speaking out for poor Muslim immigrants since the 1970s. As pastor of two parishes near the city centre, where families of Spanish or Portuguese origin rub shoulders with North Africans, he is kept down to earth by having to conduct at least 200 funerals a year. Some of his colleagues, he says, refuse to take funerals because they feel they should be preparing their flock for the time when there are no priests available. But he officiates willingly, feeling that this is his biggest chance to meet people who are mostly unchurched. At 60, he regrets the decline of the progressive French Catholicism that flourished in his youth—and also of Christian culture in general. Businessmen he lectures to do not even know the rudiments of doctrine.
法国的里昂市在19个世纪前就由圣•爱任纽于(St Irenaeus)反复斟酌制定出一部分基督教的基础教义,如今该市的教会正以一种不同的形式逐渐缩小。它最有名气的神父之一克里斯琴•德洛梅(Christian Delorme)是甘地的崇拜者,他在上世纪70年代起便挺身替贫穷的穆斯林移民的说话。神父管理的城市中心附近两个教区,那里来自西班牙或葡萄牙的家庭与来自北非的家庭之间不断摩擦制造冲突。神父低调从事,每年主持了不下于200场葬礼。他说,他的一些同事拒绝主持葬礼,认为这样有助教徒准备好将来教堂没有神父的那一天。但神父仍然心甘情愿地继续工作,觉得借这个时机最佳,他可以接触到平常从不进教堂的人。 时年60的神父在年幼时见识了一个进步的法国天主教的昌盛时光,现在却为它及整个天主教的每况愈下感到遗憾。听他布道的商务人士甚至不了解基础的教义知识。

But he is too busy, and intellectually active, to wallow in gloom or pessimism. As he sees things, the regime of laicité has protected the French church from the dangers of power over the vulnerable. Catholic schools exist in France—but not the vast network of unaccountable authority that led Irish, Belgian and Bavarian priests into temptation. French Catholicism is a battered tree, but it can still sprout new and unexpected branches. In places like Italy, where the church shelters behind a high wall of culture and convention, the hardest days may still lay ahead.


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