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Dress-Down Friday 穿休闲装上班的周五

来源:标准英语 时间:2016-12-22 点击:
Two men in casual clothes Do you prefer a shirt and tie or something more casual?
 What does dress-down Friday mean? Does it mean to wear casual clothes?
 John, Hong Kong

Many companies in the UK have something called dress-down Friday. If you wear a suit to work every day this can be a welcome relief.

How would you like it if one day every week, you didn"t have to wear a suit and you could wear whatever you wanted?

To find out more about what dress-down Friday actually means join Jo Reffin and Jean Dong. They investigate the history behind it and look at what one business woman actually thinks about being able to dress down once every week.

Listen to Jo"s programme and then try the quiz afterwards, to check your understanding.

Download and listen to Jo"s report 点击此处下载录音材料 Download the script of this programme 点击此处下载文字材料


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