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来源:大学英语 时间:2018-12-07 点击:


If you want to remember the information in this article, take a nap.

New research conducted by brain researcher Avi Karni of the University of Haifa in Israel explores the possibility that naps help lock in sometimes fleeting long-term memories. A 90-minute daytime snooze might help the most, the study finds.

"We still don"t know the exact mechanism of the memory process that occurs during sleep, but the results of this research suggest it is possible to speed up memory consolidation," Karni said.
Long-term memory refers to memories that stay with us for years, such as "what" memories — a car accident that happened yesterday — or "how to" memories, such as one"s learned ability to play the drums.
Karni, who co-authored the study in a recent issue of the journal Nature Neuroscience, instructed participants to learn a complex thumb-tapping sequence, then split the study subjects into two groups: one that napped for an hour, and one that didn"t. The people who took an afternoon snooze showed sizeable improvement in their performance by that evening.
由卡尼等几名研究人员共同撰写的研究报告在最新一期《自然神经学》期刊上发表。在该研究中,卡尼首先教研究对象学一套复杂的拇指操,然后将他们分为两组:一组小睡一小时,另一组不睡。结果发现,午睡小组在当晚的表现有明显的进步。 更多信息请访问:

"After a night"s sleep the two groups were at the same level, but the group that slept in the afternoon improved much faster than the group that stayed awake," Karni said.

And the study also showed just how much faster a 90-minute nap could help lock in long-term memories.

"Daytime sleep can shorten the time "how to" memory becomes immune to interference and forgetting," Karni said. "Instead of 6 to 8 hours, the brain consolidated the memory during the 90-minute nap."


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