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来源:听力 时间:2016-11-17 点击:


主办:中国英语学习  2008-08-13 

----Daily English---


anticipation  (n.) 期望

luggage  (n.) 行李


She was filled with anticipation about her coming trip to India.

Andrea brought too much luggage with her on the trip.


The program is inadequately financed.


   Programs to reinforce existing schools or require that new ones be built to extra-sturdy standards are inconsistent, slow and inadequately financed.


Denise: Amanda"s his girlfriend? Her face is so round!
Crystal: Maybe he likes her for her personality.
Denise: But, nobody looks at personality these days!
Crystal: I"m so upset, I could...I could...
Denise: Don"t lose your cool. Lose kilos instead. He"s sure to notice you, then.
Crystal: [Wailing] I a banana split. Waitress! The dessert menu!
Denise: Oh, brother!




1、 personality (n.) 个性
2、 wail (v.,n.) 大哭
3、 banana split 香蕉船
4、 brother (n.) 兄弟,家伙。对话中的用法相当于‘我的天啊!’或是‘糟糕!’的意思







6. When one door shuts, another opens. (英译汉)


1. Has anybody seen my engagement ring?

2. The school is widely admired for its excellent teaching.

3. She is pregnant with my child, and we are going to raise the baby.
Remarks: be going to 本身含有“计划,准备”的意思,

4. We cannot estimate the value of modern science too much.

5. Don"t be too sure that your plan is going to work because anything can go wrong at anytime.The plan is good but it can still fail.”

6. Lying is the first step to the gallows. (英译汉)说谎是上断头台的第一步。





Twilight descends on Chimney Rock, a 325-foot (100-meter) geological formation in Nebraska"s North Platte River valley. In the first half of the 19th century, scores of emigrants traveling west on the Oregon Trail passed this famous landmark, originally called "Elk Penis" by Native Americans before it was renamed by white settlers.


The Panama Canal 巴拿马运河-9

A ship canal, about 82 km (51 mi) long, crossing the Isthmus of Panama in the Canal Zone and connecting the Caribbean Sea with the Pacific Ocean. It was begun by the French in 1881. The United States gained construction rights after Panama declared its independence in 1903, and the canal was opened to traffic on August 15, 1914.

We can now get the dirt out of here. So when it rains, it"s not gonna go back into the trench. We not only speed up the work, we reduce the risk of mudslides.

Thousands of labors flocked to Panama attracted by the high wages on offer. The Americans were now excavating more in a day than the French did in a month. Work on the canal had been industrialized.

Stevens had barely begun when the great scare descended on Panama. Terrified workers fled from the most virulent outbreak yet of yellow fever. American hopes rested on Dr. William Gorgas."

"It is one thing to lose the life of a human being in battle. A soldier is prepared to give his life for our cause. But when one has the ability to defeat the enemy and prevent the loss of life, every death is a waste."

While many believed the tropical diseases were spread on the air or even caused by immoral behavior, Gorgas had a striking new idea.

"I knew that my challenge was not to clean up the filth in the cities, but rather to defeat the enemy here, where millions of predators were simply waiting for a human feast to arrive."

Gorgas believed the real culprit was the mosquito.

"Friends said to me, "How do you stop the propagation of the mosquito, when the whole country is the breeding ground?""

Panama was a mosquito paradise. The heat and humidity allowed constant breeding.

Gorgas would need an army of workers to combat this tiny enemy. But the authorities in Washington refused to divert resources from digging to fly swatting. Gorgas turned to John Stevens who faced the dilemma, a third of his men were sick, but the instructions from Washington were to make the dirt fly.


轻松R&B***Pick It Up~

Donnie Klang成名于MTV的真人秀节目Making the Band 4,后被Bad Boy签下,将于08年8月26日发行首张专辑《Just a Rolling Stone,由B.Cox, Danja, The Dream, The Clutch, Mario Winnas等著名制作人打造!今天推荐新专辑中的Pick It Up,整张专辑试听见





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