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来源:听力 时间:2016-12-02 点击:


主办:中国英语学习  2008-10-10 

----Daily English---


spirit  (n.) 精神,心灵

mental  (n.) 精神的,心理的


For many people, religion is comfort for the spirit.

Her mental wellbeing is becoming stronger everyday.


We both have no jobs,we are in the same boat.


in the same boat意思是处境相同,相当于in the same unpleasant situation,一般都指不是好的情况。

We both don"t have any money, so we are in the same boat.


In Sarah"s room, 7:25 P.M.
Kevin: What are you doing, brat?
Sarah: Watching the spoilers online for Buffy and waiting for mom to get off the couch.
Kevin: TV blues? Tell me about it. Hey, let me use your computer to see the spoiler for the next Survivor show...
Sarah: No...I need to find out what"s happening to Buffy now.
Kevin: Geez, you watch it on TV, watch it on the Net, talk about it online, subscribe to the magazine--you"re ill!




1、 brat (n.) 小家伙,小捣蛋
2、 spoiler (n.) (口)剧情泄漏。网络上常会流传许多之后剧情的可能走向,有些是真的,有些是假的。由于预先得知可能剧情,会破坏观影兴致,所以用‘破坏者’spoiler这个词,指称这些泄漏出来的剧情
3、 get off 离开
4、 blues (n.) 忧郁
5、 subscribe 订阅







6.I wouldn‘t care success or failure, for I will only struggle ahead as long as I have been destined to the distance. I wouldn‘t care the difficulties around, for what I can leave on the earth is only their view of my back since I have been marching toward the horizontal. (英译汉)



1. I am calling to check my order status.

2. I just heard that seven people are going to be laid off next month.

3. Do you have some errands to be run when I"m out?

4. You should really keep your options open rather than put all your eggs in one basket.
keep one"s options open 暂不表态, 留有回旋余地;
put all one"s eggs in one basket 孤注一掷

5. A parent shouldn"t take sides when children start quarrelling with each other。
take sides 站在…一边,支持…,偏袒…

6.The 1986 Challenger space-shuttle disaster was caused by unusually low temperatures immediately before the launch.(英译汉)





A multicolored sunset contrasts the bleached bones of dead cattle in Australia"s Simpson Desert. Though forbiddingly dry, the Simpson Desert has aquifers and floodplains that make parts of it ideal livestock-grazing country.


The Genius of Photography 摄影演义后传- 13

In the course of our 170 year relationship, photography has delighted us, served us, moved us, outraged us and occasionally disappointed us. But mainly, it has intrigued us by showing the secret strangeness that lies beneath the world of appearances. And that is photography"s true genius.

“The elusive lends itself towards the surrealists and the factuality lends itself towards those who are, you know, deeply connected to all the minutia of life.”

The world"s least likely surrealist died a few months after his discovery. By then, his documents had been appropriated by Europe"s avant-garde. In 1929, they were shown alongside works by Man Ray and others at the influential film and photo show held in Stuttgart.

“29 was a phenomenal year for photography, it had the famous film and photo exhibition, just show you the catalogue full. So it"s really likely to find in moment, the statement, really about where photography had gone. Well, this is Bayard, Man Ray from Paris, Hannah Hoch, Edward Weston, Atget, Lissitzky, Moholy-Nagy, Piet Zwart the designer, and in fact, even the British Cecil Beaton gets a look in. Interestingly, we are virtually excluded, as Britain was quite asleep during the 20s, if you like, photographically. The action was in Germany and Russia.”

But in Russia and Germany, the action was about to take a sinister turn. Stalin"s Great Terror, unleashed in 1934, had created a legion of the damned. Heroes of the Soviet Union now declared enemies of the people. First, they were liquidated, then removed from history. Propaganda publications had to be kept up to date as arrest, followed arrest. Alexander Rodchenko, the master of montage, who could turn gulag slaves into rehabilitated workers, was now forced to doctor books that he himself had created, using black ink to turn apparatchiks into un-people.

“These were the photographs that Rodchenko’d been commissioned to make and the book that he had been commissioned to make, and that he had been forced, either actively or passively, to destroy. That becomes a diary of repainting, of obliteration, of destroying or what by, by adding to it. The interesting thing is that do you naturally concentrate on the kind of face area? But then actually if you look at the kind of shoulders in the position of the body, the un-obliterated area which is the clothes and the shoulders and parts of the body, then they still seem to proclaim the human being underneath the obliteration.”


lend itself toward: (=lend itself to) To give a chance for or be useful for; to be possible or right for

All of these will lend itself toward a renewed focus on content, which is a very exciting thing for me as a big step toward the high-definition three-dimensional canvas which I originally envisioned with the ORB.

minutia: a minute or minor detail ― usually used in plural

Peter has noted that there are emotional and cultural universals that stretch across ethnicities, across national borders, with differences only in the minutia.

apparatchik: an official who works for a government or other organization and who obeys orders without thinking


Graduation Song。。Amy Diamond。。

G r a d u a t i o n S o n g

G r a d u a t i o n S o n g

G r a d u a t i o n S o n g 。Amy Diamond

we"re only prisoners of circumstance 我们是环境的战俘

time has a way of slipping through your hands 时间总是从你的手中溜走

too young to notice , too many plans 太年轻以至于没注意到,太多的计划

and the band plays on... 乐队在演奏

we had the answers till the questions changed 知道问题改变我们才得到答案

life hit us sideways, our smils were strained 生命将我们击到一边 我们的笑容有点不自然

a pretty picture in the broken frame 一个破旧的画框里有一张很美的画

and the band plays on... 乐队在演奏

this is where the road turns enter a new world 这是通向新世界的转折点

did you have the time of your life 你的生活过的快乐么

this is where the road turns 这是一个转折点

my friend,my partner 我的朋友 我的伙伴

we"ll catch up some other time 将来的某天我们还会见面

we"ll catch up some other time 将来的某天我们还会见面


a box of memories underneath my couch 满载的回忆难以表达

beautiful stories with the end ripped out 好的故事伴着撕碎的结局

too much for me right now to think about 现在对于我来说有很多东西要思考

and the band plays on... 乐队在演奏

and the band plays on... 乐队在演奏

this is where the road turns enter a new world 这是个转折 通向新的世界

did you have the time of your life 你的生活快乐么

this is where the road turns 这是个转折

my friend,my partner 我的朋友 我的伙伴

we"ll catch up some other time 我们以后还会相间

we"ll catch up some other time 我们以后还会相间

this is where the road turns 这是个转折

enter a new world 通向新的世界

did you have the time of your life 你的生活快乐么

this is where the road turns 这是个转折

my friend,my partner 我的朋友

we"ll catch up some other time我们以后还会相见





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