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来源:听力 时间:2016-12-05 点击:


主办:中国英语学习  2008-10-16 

----Daily English---


physician  (n.) 医师

pharmacist  (n.) 药剂师


My health records are at my family physician"s office.

The pharmacist can help you with question about your medication.


Are there any new blockbusters coming out?


blockbuster本指军事上的重磅炸弹,也能表示耗巨资制作的电影(大片)。come out表示(出版物的)出版或发行,(电影`唱片等的)推出。
When will his new novel come out?他新创作的小说什么时候出版?


In the living room, playing charades
Dad: Two words...a TV show!
Mom: The Charmed!
Sarah: Right, Mom! Good one!
Mom: I know what shows you like. My turn...
Kevin: [Watching his mom ] One word...TV show...Friends!
Mom: Right! Good guess. Your turn...
Kevin: Hey, this family time is actually pretty"s just like on Family Ties...




1、 Family Ties 影集《天才家庭》。这部喜剧影集是讲述一对父母跟三个小孩相处的故事,里面有很多温馨有趣的亲子对话,而美国知名男演员米高福克斯(Michael J. Fox),当初就是演这部影集里的哥哥而走红







6.From that you would get angry with your friends, we can conclude you still care about the friendship between you.(英译汉)



1. I listened to him with half an ear.
with half an ear 不专心(听), 不很注意地

2. Don"t jump to conclusion. We have to figure it out first.

3. I’m not going to dish out any advice, I think you should take your time deciding.
dish out 把...盛在盘中端上; (用餐时)分(饭) 发给, 分配; 发布(消息等) [口]滔滔不绝地讲出; 单调的背诵 [美俚]施加(打, 骂等)

4. My sister is very stubborn. You"re just beating your head against a wall trying to make her change her mind.
beat one"s head against a wall白费力气;徒劳无功

5. We can assure you that such a thing will not happen again in future deliveries.

6.Adapt or perish ,now as ever ,is Nature’s inexorable imperative.(英译汉)





A group of young seahorses drifts in shallow waters off Manly, New South Wales, Australia. From Canada to Tasmania, most coastal areas with sea grass beds, mangroves, or coral reefs can lay claim to a seahorse species or two.


The Genius of Photography 摄影演义后传- 17

In the course of our 170 year relationship, photography has delighted us, served us, moved us, outraged us and occasionally disappointed us. But mainly, it has intrigued us by showing the secret strangeness that lies beneath the world of appearances. And that is photography"s true genius.

“This was a young woman who"s probably had bad teeth so she wouldn"t want to smile in a way that, that would show them. But the thing that interests me so much about the picture, the picture was taken in 1936 and by then he was an accomplished master at composition, and yet he was willing to give over the part of the authorship of the picture to her because what she did when he got that close really determines what the picture is. It"s not an easily readable emotion. It"s not illustration of an idea about who these people were. It"s an actual encounter between one subject in front of the camera who has equal human presence as the person behind the camera.”

But though he aspired to the directness of an Atget or a Sander, Evans" understanding of documentary photography was more a complex. For this sophisticated, jazz-age intellectual, there was nothing simple about a photographic document.

“Documentary had come to mean two things. It means that it was delivering the truth, and that it was a social agent, it was gonna make life better for everybody. Of course Evans hated both of these ideas. And the reason why he kept insisting on calling it documentary style or documentary aesthetic was precisely to make the point that it just looks like the facts, it isn"t objective.”

When Evans photographed the Burroughs" house, the complexities and contradictions of this documentary style were revealed. Evans didn"t simply record what was in front of him. He rearranged the scene to minimize the squalor, elevating simple objects into iconic symbols of domesticity. And as he worked, the photograph crossed the line from document into artwork. The writer James Agee, who was with Evans when the picture was taken, provides a sidelight on the artifice behind this seemingly artless image.

“I think the most, one of the most stunning quotes in all of Agee"s work is when he says that the woman of this household told him, "I hate this house so bad! It seems like there ain"t nothing I can do to make it pretty." And that to me stands in great contrast to Evans"s work inside that cabin on one day when he did indeed make things achieve a kind of clarity and simplicity and beauty that he thought was best representative of American life.”

But though Evans readily molded reality to fit his personal vision, he couldn"t make that vision conform to the propaganda requirements of the FSA. In 1937, he was sacked.




jazz-age: 爵士乐时代

aesthetic: Aesthetic is used to talk about beauty or art, and people"s appreciation of beautiful things.

                From an aesthetic point of view, it"s a nice design.

squalor: You can refer to very dirty, unpleasant conditions as squalor.

             He was out of work and living in squalor.

artifice: a clever trick or something intended to deceive

            He displayed a great deal of artifice in decorating his new house.

ain"t: People sometimes use ain"t instead of `am not", `aren"t", ‘isn’t’, ‘haven"t", and `hasn"t". Some people consider this use to be non-standard



在路上 ※ ... Around the world ……水叮当



Yes, that"s it !


Let"s find passion in life, come on ……

创建于1998年的aqua合唱团由来自挪威的女主唱le?nenystrom、djrenenorren和clausnore en、sorenrasted四位成员组成,他们造型定位鲜明,有着很强的卡通味道,老少皆宜。曲风则是以目前十分流行且上口的 techno舞曲为主。1996年的ep大碟〈myohmy〉使他们一鸣惊人,而翌年的专辑〈barbiegirl〉更令aqu a的卡通舞曲风潮席卷了欧美、日本和东南亚地区。他们全欧冠军单曲〈barbiegirl〉和〈doc?torjones〉也迅 速地在世界各地的舞池和大街小巷四处蔓延。随即,卡通舞曲的形式亦被许多新兴的舞曲组合和歌手们争相效仿,那张狂卖的专辑〈爱情大魔咒〉也忍不住借aqua的热门单曲〈doc?torjones〉的旋律火了一把。1997年以《芭比娃 娃》混音舞曲从欧美一路红到亚洲的丹麦四人团体“水叮当合唱团”,4年来创下全球2800万张惊人销售量.“水叮当合唱团”的《 水瓶座》、《芭比娃娃》、《琼斯博士》、《超强泡泡》及《环游世界》等专辑均有不错表现。

Around the world

I"ve been around the world
Hey, hey I"ve been around the world
Hey, hey In the kitchen where I"m cooking what is good for me
Spices from the globe
Little by little it"s the finest meal
It"s appetite for hope
come and see You mix it all together in your dreams
Ingredients from the seven Seas and I"m realizing things ain"t what they seem


That"s the riddle of it That"s the spirit of it
That"s the power of life
I"ve been around the world (Round the world)
And I"ve seen it all (Seen it all)
I"ve been around the world (Round the world)
The sun will always rise and fall
I"ve been around the world (Round the world)
And I want you to see (Seen it all)
I"ve been the only girl (Round the world)
All surrounded by mystery
In the living room I"m cleaning up from top to floor
the place I love the most
The wall is covered up with all my souvenirs
I"ve got from coast to coast,come and see
You mix it all together in your dreams
Ingredients from the seven Seas and I"m realizing things ain"t what they seem


That"s the riddle of it That"s the spirit of it
That"s the power of life
I"ve been around the world (Round the world)
And I"ve seen it all (Seen it all)
I"ve been around the world (Round the world)
The sun will always rise and fall I"ve been around the world (Round the world)
And I want you to see (Seen it all)
I"ve been the only girl (Round the world)
All surrounded by mystery
I"m still coming around I keep chasing dreams
Girl, I keep coming around


Hey, Hey I keep coming around And I can never stop
Girl, I keep coming around Cause if I do I"ll walk Around around
around the world I"ve been around the world (Round the world)
Hey hey (Seen it all) I"ve been around the world (Round the world)
All surrounded by mystery I"ve been around the world (Round the world)
And I"ve seen it all (Seen it all)
I"ve been around the world (Round the world)
The sun will always rise and fall Round the world




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