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英语口语札记——The Cove

来源:口语 时间:2019-05-11 点击:




片名:The Cove【海豚湾】

出品:Fisher Stevens/Paula DuPre Pesmen

导演:Louie Psihoyos


主题词:美国英语 口语 纪录片 海豚 日本

1.   We try to do the story legally.

2.   It kept me up at night. 睡不着觉。

3.   Just the tip of the iceberg.

4.   Kind of指有点。

5.   When we first got to Japan.

6.   Hunch over指拱起背部。

7.   Before your very eyes.

8.   Document作为动词,指拍纪录片。

9.   Keynote speaker指主讲人。

10.  …which is the nonprofit arm of Sea World. 部门。

11.  Undercover cop指便衣警察。

12.  It’s so surreal, I wanted to laugh指荒唐。

13.  One thing leads to another. 事情都是互相关联的。

14.  The first time I connected with him was… 打交道。

15.  You’re holding up a government project. 妨碍。

16.  If I get in their way… 如果挡了路。

17.  Traffic指走私。

18.  The entire crew turns to with battle station teamwork. 齐心协力。

19.  Not a moment can be lost.

20.  Porpoise指一种海豚。

21.  There was no manual. 没有课本可学习某种知识。

22.  I lived there all year round for seven years. 全年。

23.  Seaquarium指海洋馆。

24.  Dolphinarium指海豚馆。

25.  They’re all stressed out. 疲劳过度。

26.  Socializing指社交活动。

27.  Aquarium指水族馆。

28.  Left and right指相继。

29.  They finally figured out. 搞明白。

30.  Run for their lives. 逃命。

31.  To the max. 达到极点。Max是maximal的略语。

32.  Primarily指主要。

33.  Tear it down指摧毁某个行业。Build up的反义。

34.  We’ll fix this, we’ll change this. 改变。

35.  Wildlife指野生动物。

36.  By any stretch of the imagination. 指确实。

37.  I asked you very nicely to… 礼貌地。

38.  Deputy commissioner指副会长,如果委员会一词用的是commission。

39.   A toothless organization指没有能力做事的机构。

40.  Loophole指法律漏洞。

41.  Glad-handing each other指相互握手。

42.  It’s not even acknowledged. 知道。

43.  Look, this is not working. 看来不行啊。

44.  This is a PR nightmare. 公关方面的噩梦,指影响形象。

45.  He just egged me on. 刺激、激怒。

46.  I almost decked this guy. 打翻。

47.  On bogus charges指莫须有的罪名。

48.  They got really fired up. 愤怒。

49.  This is like a cat and mouse game.

50.  He’s an adrenaline junkie. 爱冒险的人。

51.  Heart of gold and nerves of steel.

52.  Try to be respectful of their side. 尊重对方。

53.  Can we just hang on to that for reference… 保留。

54.  Razor ribbon指环状铁丝网。

55.  The coastline is majestic. 美妙。

56.  We snuck up to this park. 潜入。

57.  Are on our tail指跟踪。

58.  Hi-def camera指高清相机,即high definition。

59.  If we could dream it, Simon could build it.

60.  Incognito指低调。

61.  Military grade thermal camera. 军事等级的。

62.  Aerial footage指空中拍摄的镜头。

63.  They got on board pretty quickly. 加入。

64.  A secret ops mission. 指operations。

65.  Sign us up. 算上我们。

66.  So we got the lay of the land. 熟悉地形。

67.  He looks over there, and he goes, ‘Chief of Police.’ 说。

68.  If you are around Ric, they know you are trouble. 搅在一起。

69.  Our first encounter of指碰到、见到。

70.  Butt chest against指用胸去撞。

71.  Media cover-up.

72.  Media blackout.

73.  Trial run指试运行。

74.  Scuba diver指潜水员。

75.  This is the first sign that says ‘do not enter’.

76.  It’s now going back up again. 重新上升。

77.  Picking up where they’ve left off.

78.  I took all the stickers off. 粘贴标签。

79.  Just in case something shits the bed.

80.  We very discreetly left the hotel.

81.  We have it timed really well.

82.  Nice work.

83.  I lock eyes with that animal.

84.  Irony of ironies. 最具讽刺意味的是。

85.  Dominica would like to compliment the Japanese delegation. 赞同。

86.  Support in its entirety.

87.  As a token of friendship.

88.  They have prostituted themselves for a few yen. 出卖。

89.  And every other neighbor wants a part of the goodies. 特别想要的东西。

90.  Neon-lit whorehouses. 红灯区。

91.  There’s some kind of misplaced nationalistic pride at work.

92.  The nail that sticks out must be pounded down.

93.  Activist or inactivist. 消极分子。

94.  Yep.

95.  They’re doing a circle. 绕圈子。

96.  Let’s take a quick break. 突围。

97.  Set it down. 放好。

98.  It was mind-boggling.



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