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来源:佳作欣赏 时间:2019-05-15 点击:

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The other night I sat alone by the window, my arms wrapping around my shins, my chin resting sluggishly on my knees. Greenvines sprawled over the rails out the window. A breeze sprang up and tree leaves started to rustle. It was crisp and quiet all about, except for insects chirping, which was like a Buddhist music, near and far, loud and vague.  I listened a while and felt sad no more, ecstatic no more.  There was left in me but solitude, which was piling at the bottom of my heart.

Over one hour I remained seated at the window like a stone from the ice age, my mind blank.  I contemplated the two years that had just drifted by.  What did I do?  No clue.There were too many chores lingering in my mind, and not asingle complete one could I recollect. "What on earth does it take for happiness and contentment?"I kept asking myself. But a foolish woman would hardly getclose to the yearning from deep inside, even though she never stops trying hard throughout her life. I thought and thought, until fatigue got the better of me.No oppression should be kept, except solitude.

Such a beautiful dawn did not see me in sweet dreams.  I trapped myself in the deep, desolate pool of solitude.


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