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商务英语综合辅导:Upgrade 升级

来源:词汇 时间:2018-03-17 点击:
John: Hello, this is Real English from BBC Learning English, I’m John.
  Jean: Hi. 大家好,我是董征。欢迎收听Real English《地道英语》节目!
  John: In Real English, we look at words and phrases that you might not find in your dictionary.
  Jean: 和汉语一样,英语里也是有着非常多的成语和俗话的,所以要想能听得懂英国人日常的说话聊天,就一定要来学学这些他们常用的通俗词语。 那么请问John 我们今天要学的新词是什么呢?
  John: Today’s new word is ‘upgrade’ – U.P.G.R.A.D.E. – upgrade.
  Jean: Upgrade. 能给我们解释一下它的意思吗?
  John: Well, the main meaning of upgrade means to make a machine, or a computer for example, more powerful and efficient.
  Jean: Upgrade 就是为了让电脑增强性能和速度的措施:升级。那能给我们举个例子讲讲吗,John?
  John: No problem. If your computer was old and slow, you could buy a new one or get an upgrade.
  Jean: I see.
  John: Then you could say, ‘My computer has been upgraded’.
  Jean: 我知道了,Upgrade“升级”本身是个动词,而且它在被动式的语态的时候就是表示已经被升级的意思。那John你能给我们说说,upgrade这个词还有什么其他的用法吗?
  John: Well, it can also mean to give you a better seat on a plane, to a better room in a hotel. You might, for example,-and if you are very lucky, get upgraded from economy class on a plane to business or first class.
  Jean: 原来upgrade用到坐飞机的时候就是“升舱”,如果是住酒店就是换到更高级的房间,总之都是调换到更高一级的意思。
  John: That’s right.
  A: How was your flight?
  B: Great! We got upgraded to first class and spent the whole way back drinking free Champagne.
  A: My computer’s really slow. I think I’ll buy a new one.
  B: That’ll be expensive. Why don’t you get it upgraded? That’ll be much cheaper.
  Jean: So are you happy with your computer, John?
  John: No – I need to get it upgraded.
  Jean: Is it expensive to get it upgraded?
  John: No. Getting it upgraded will be cheaper than buying a new one.
  Jean: I see.来源:


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