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来源:考试作文 时间:2018-12-12 点击:

According to Daily Mail on June 24, Israeli researchers have pinpointed a human brain region that keys in overcoming fear. The drug that activates these brain cells could help people face their phobias, from spiders to heights and public speaking.


Scientists looked at how the brain reacts to ophidiophobia - or fear of snakes. Volunteers had their brains scanned as they watched a live snake, and the bigger their fear of snakes, the greater the activity in the region.


Scientists said the results shone a light on the basis of courage. They also point to the possibility of the new pill that gives courage. Using the pill to conceal the activity in the region and do some mind exercises, it might be possible to turn run-of-the-mill recruits into heroes.


The work has caught the eye of the US military, who believe it could be used to create the perfect soldier. The Briton army also attaches great importance to it as an estimated 16million Briton soldiers suffer phobias.



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