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Food and Drink 饮食文化

来源:英美文化 时间:2016-12-04 点击:
1 Beer 啤酒Britain is a nation of beer drinkers. The drink that is native to the UK is served at room temperature and is not fizzy. It is called ale. But to what extent are flavoured lagers changing drinking habits, and just what is a binge drinker? Vicki and Sun Chen explain.英国人最爱喝啤酒。英国本地的一种啤酒喝的时候是要室温温度并且不能有气泡。这就是英国的浓啤酒。如今各种口味的淡啤酒给英国的啤酒文化带来了什么样的改变?还有什么才是酗酒者呢?Vicki和孙晨在本期节目中带领大家进行探访。 Listen Beer Beer Script 2 Buying Wine 选购葡萄酒Listen to this programme for some tips on how to choose wine for drinking with food or just to drink on its own. Helen Hu and Oliver Zheng speak to a few people with different wine tastes to find out how they choose which wine to buy. 本期节目为大家提供了选购葡萄酒的一些小窍门。该如何挑选配餐葡萄酒和品酒葡萄酒。海伦和郑贵东采访了几位口味不同的朋友,了解他们是如何选购葡萄酒的。 Listen Buying Wine Buying Wine Script 3 Celebrity Chef 名厨In this programme, Finn Aberdein and Jean Dong are talking about cooking. We meet some of Britain"s celebrity chefs, and find out how one English woman likes to eat thousand year old eggs - pidan. 在本期节目中Finn Aberdein和董征和大家讨论到烹饪这一话题,并带领大家认识英国的一些名厨,还会采访到一位酷爱中国皮蛋的英国女性。 Listen Celebrity Chef Celebrity Chef Script4 Cooking 烹饪Who cooks in your household? The man of the house or the woman? We take a look inside British kitchens and discover the attitudes of people in modern Britain towards cooking. 你家谁负责做饭?是男人还是女人?本期节目中我们探访了英国的一些厨房,了解当代英国人对家庭烹饪的不同态度。 Listen Cooking Cooking Script5 Essentials of British Food 英国饮食精华版What do you know about British food? There"s more to it than fish and chips and a cooked breakfast. Join John Escolme and Jean Dong on a culinary journey around the UK. 你对英国饮食了解有多少?英国传统饮食可不止是炸鱼薯条和英式早餐。本期节目主持人John Escolme和董征邀你共同踏上英国饮食文化之旅。 Listen Essentials of British Food Essentials of British Food Script 6 Italian Food in Britain 在英国的意大利食品Do you like pizza? Like China, lots of people in Britain love it, but it was unheard of in the UK until the British fell in love with Italian food in the 1950’s. John and Oliver trace the history of Italian food in Britain and it"s a mouth watering experience! 你喜欢比萨饼吗?和中国一样,英国的很多人也非常爱吃比萨。不过早在50年代,英国人还没有发现并且爱上意大利饮食之前,比萨饼这个东西在英国是没人听说过的。John和郑贵东在本期节目中追寻意大利饮食在英国的历史,和大家分享这一令人垂涎的经历! Listen Italian Food in Britain Italian Food in Britain Script 7 Jane Austen"s Picnics 简•奥斯汀小说中的野餐Picnics formed the typical backdrop to a number of Jane Austen"s novels. Many were idyllic, and they were just the setting for romantic exchanges and furtive looks between lovers. John Escolme looks at some of these important stories, and the kind of food people were taking on picnics during Austen"s lifetime.在简▪奥斯汀的很多小说当中,野餐总是必不可少的一个活动。很多这样的野餐都是田园诗一般,为书中两情相悦的情人们提供了一个互送秋波、情话绵绵的完美浪漫背景。John Escolme在本期节目中聚焦这些重要的故事,以及探访在奥斯汀的年代,人们野餐时都会准备什么样的饮食。 Listen Jane Austen"s Picnics Jane Austen"s Picnics Script 8 Marmalade 橘子酱Helen Hu and Oliver Zheng discuss why the traditional preserve marmalade is made with oranges and why it"s so popular in the UK. They find out about the different types of marmalade and how this popular preserve is made. 胡晓晖和郑贵东在本期节目中共同研究在英国最受青睐的这种传统果酱为什么是用橘子做成的,以及英国的橘子果酱都分为多少个种类。 Listen Marmalade Marmalade Script9 New Year Diet 新年节食计划The New Year has just started, and it"s a time when many people in the UK start dieting, to lose the weight they gained over the Christmas period. Listen to this programme with Helen and Jean, who speak to a fitness expert about the most effective ways to lose weight. 新年伊始,也是很多英国人节食计划的新开端,为的就是要减掉他们在圣诞节期间吃胖的体重。海伦和董征在本期节目当中专门走访了英国的健美专家,了解如何最有效的进行减肥。 Listen New Year Diet New Year Diet Script10 Picnic 野餐When the warm weather arrives, many people start thinking about sitting outside and having a picnic. What food and drink would you take to have an extra special picnic? Diarmuid looks at some of the luxury items available for the picnic hamper.天气转暖以后很多人都想到户外去来个野餐。如果你要组织一次格外特别的野餐,你都需要准备哪些食物和饮品呢?Diarmuid 在本期节目中探寻到了一些当代英国野餐篮子里的奢侈豪华美味。 Listen Picnic Picnic Script


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