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Wishing well 许愿池

来源:其他行业英语 时间:2018-12-05 点击:

THE glass is more than half full: according to the World Health Organisation, some 5.9 billion people, or 87% of the world’s population, enjoyed access to drinking water from an “improved” source in 2008. In other words, those people had water piped to a dwelling, or got it from a public tap or a protected well. Back in 1990 only 77% of the world"s population enjoyed such a luxury. Yet in some parts of the world, notably in Africa, great improvements in water supply are still needed. Some 884m people are still not using an improved water source, more than a third of them in sub-Saharan Africa. Eastern Asia has seen the greatest recent progress: 89% of the population in that region now have access to an improved water source, up from just 69% in 1990.

玻璃杯装满了一半以上:根据世界卫生组织的数据,至2008年,世界人口中有59亿,即87%,能够享受到从安全水源获得的饮用水。 换言之,这些人从自己家中的自来水得到安全水源,或者是从公共水龙头或是保护井。在1990年的时候,只有77%的世界人口能够满足这样的奢望。然而,在世界的部分地区,特别是在非洲,仍然需要大幅改进安全水源的供应。大约8.84亿人仍然无法获得安全的饮用水源,这些人超过三分之一生活在非洲的撒哈拉以南地区。东亚地区见证了最近的巨大发展:该地区能够获得安全水源的人口从1990年的只有69%增长到现在的89%。



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