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  • In Memory of Michael Jackson

    爱思英语编者按:在“流行天王”迈克尔杰克逊逝世一周年纪念日到来之际,VoicePlate制作公司和杰克逊家族基金会计划于6月26日在贝弗利山希尔顿酒店举办一场名为“永远的迈克尔”的歌迷纪念活动。 Mi

  • 追忆永远的歌王:Michael Jackson

    爱思广播本期由Molly和美丽的Stella共同主持“追忆永远的歌王:迈克尔·杰克逊”特别节目!Michael Jackson的成功没有人可以质疑,他的光辉战绩可

  • Michael Jackson Remembered for Appeal to All Races, Cultures

    >>音频下载Michael Jackson (November 2007 file photo)American music superstar Michael Jackson died June 2

  • Happy Birthday, Driving Test! 英国驾驶考试

    The Test is More Expensive and Complex than Ever 英国考驾照有史以来最贵最复杂收听与下载下载音频下载练习题For 75 years, three wor

  • 亡者归来:三分之一绝种动物再现世间


  • 研究:夫妻间确实存在“第六感”


  • 阿弗莱克新作《城中大盗》票房夺冠


  • 巴黎、柏林将举办全球最大时装秀


  • Young Britons - Andy 年轻英国人Andy

    Andy helps to run a project on the radio for young Chinese people收听与下载下载音频下载文字稿What does it mean to

  • Buying Property in the UK 在英国买房

    收听与下载下载音频下载文字稿In recent years it has been very difficult for young people to buy their first flat or

  • Mid-Autumn Festival Poems

    In the literary history of China, many poets penned praise to the pure moon of mid-autumn night and

  • Mid Autumn Festival Stories

    Change and Hou YiLong long ago, there were 10 suns in the sky They burnt all the plants on the ear

  • Mid Autumn Festival Stories

    Change and Hou YiLong long ago, there were 10 suns in the sky They burnt all the plants on the ear

  • Young Britons - Saqib 英国年轻人 Saqib

    What does it mean to be young and British?收听与下载下载音频下载文字稿Saqib Pervaiz is born and bred British But

  • 阿森纳切尔西欧冠旗开得胜


  • 奥巴马著儿童读物11月发售


  • MTV音乐录影带奖GaGa横扫八奖

    爱思英语编者按:第27届MTV音乐录像带大奖颁奖礼于美国当地时间9月12日晚间在洛杉矶举行,获13项提名的Lady Gaga,最终以获得8个大奖成为大赢家,而且追平了MTV音乐录像带大奖历史上的第二好

  • Tasting Wine

    e Tasting Component I: LookThe first step you have to undertake in wine tasting is visual 1 Fill up

  • Chardonnay Wine

    rdonnay is the worlds most popular white wine grape Chardonnay wines homeland is the Burgundy regio

  • Champagne

    mpagne is without question the finest sparkling wine made in the world Champagne is the name of the

  • Burgundy Wine

    gundy red wines are produced in an area of France stretching from Dijon south to Beaujolais The nor

  • Carignane Wine

    Carignane grape variety is one of the most widely planted grapes in the world Its popularity stems

  • Chablis Wine

    blis is thought to have originated in northern Spain and grows well in a Mediterranean climate As a

  • Gewurztraminer Wine

    urztraminer is an excellent and unique grape variety that is capable of producing some of the worlds

  • Riesling Wine

    most famous cool climates for Riesling wine are in Germany, Austria, and the Alsace region of France

  • White Zinfandel Wine

    te Zinfandel wine is a blush wine made in California from early-picked Zinfandel grapes The red gra

  • The Truth About Red Wine and Heart Disease

    Wine, Heart Disease, Hungry Sharks and Knights in Shining ArmorWhat is so special about wine? What i

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