Agonizing displays of poor theatrics failed to entertain my mind one recent Saturday evening. I scrolled across several television channels hoping for an engaging program. Finally, one particular concert intrigued my senses. There on the stage performed one of rock and roll"s most expressive singers.
With every bit of his legendary convulsive style, Joe Cocker belted out each song with passion and enthusiasm. A solitary man represented by a dull silhouette and expressions of life"s complicated sorrows braided through words of reassuring simplicity. The foggy stage complimented his smoky voice as his lyrics invited every listener to share his soul. He was an elder musician with lessons to teach.
The English born Cocker, now in his early sixties, has been delivering the same spasmodic "air-guitar" performance for decades. His music has endured critics, fads, and lifestyle changes. Who can resist the tunes of "Heard It Through the Grapevine" or "Up Where We Belong?"
Perhaps some people mock his unique musical delivery, but his melodies speak to the soul.
At times, his twitching becomes somewhat distracting, yet in the end, his concert is a magical blend of R&B influences, solid rock and roll, and rhythmic gospel.
In the end, this diversified musician has prevailed through the good times and the bad.
Well, it must be Joe Cocker"s Market.
At times, the current stock market is intolerable and difficult to watch. Like Cocker, it sometimes seems contorted and out of control. The ups and downs can be disturbing, yet in the long run, the concert delivers tunes of delight. When the show finally concludes, the audience cheers for an encore.
As an investor, you may be cheering for an encore. Interest rates seem undesirable and the stock market volatility may have you curious about the future.
Keep your focus on a pre-determined game plan. Ignore short-term distractions and learn to invest in range bound markets. Do not allow the ups and downs to discourage you and by all means avoid making judgments by sight alone. Know your positions and the reason for inclusion in the portfolio. Longevity is the key and your risk tolerances, time horizons and/or goals must be prioritized. Together, you and the market may live in harmony.
Wardlaw"s belief is that familiar life elements best illustrate practical investment strategies; not typical investment jargon. With that philosophy, the author assists financial planners/advisors, brokerage firms, periodicals, and other investment information syndicates create informative and entertaining articles. For comments and questions, please contact the author at or visit
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