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To Get the Wrong End of the Stick 误解

来源:考研下载 时间:2018-05-12 点击:


A man and woman drinking together
Are they a couple or just friends?

Jo: Hello, I"m Jo, and you"re listening to Real English from BBC Learning English.

Lily: 大家好,我是杨莉。 BBC 的两分种地道英语能为大家带来最时髦的流行词语, Jo, 今天你要介绍的是?

Jo: The expression is – to get the wrong end of the stick. To get the wrong end of the stick.

Lily: 字面上看,这个短语就是错误的一头,那含义是什么呢?

Jo: Well, if you get the wrong end of the stick it means you don"t understand a situation correctly.

Lily: 明白了 to get the wrong end of the stick 就是错误地理解了某事。

Jo: So, for example, maybe you go to a party and you see one of your close friends talking a lot to a man – and you think he"s her boyfriend. Really he"s not and they are just friends so basically you have got the wrong end of the stick.

Lily: 好, Jo 举例说,假设你在一次聚会上看到你的一个女朋友和一名男子交谈,于是你以为她俩是情侣,其时呢,两人就是一般朋友而已,你误解了真相,这句话就是。 You got the wrong end of the stick.

Jo: You didn"t understand the situation in the right way. Listen to another example.


A: So why didn"t you meet us on Saturday then?

B: I"m sorry about that – I got the wrong end of the stick – I thought you were meeting next Saturday.

Jo: So when are you going on holiday then Lily?

Lily: Er... I"m not going on holiday.

Jo: Oh I thought you said you were going to Spain?

Lily: No, no, that"s my son – he"s moving there for a few months for work.

Jo: Oh sorry, I totally got the wrong end of the stick there.

Lily: 没有关系了!不要忘了我们的网页上还有更多的新词新语。我们的网址是: 下次再会。

Jo: Bye!

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