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Plastic Bags 塑料袋

来源:英文歌曲 时间:2016-12-19 点击:
Two ladies carrying plastic shopping bags Plastic bags are good for shopping – but should we use them so much?
 Does the government have any plan for protecting the environment to stop people using plastic bags in supermarkets?
 Dai Yuan Hong, Chongqing

British supermarkets are still giving their customers plastic bags to carry their shopping, but is that really good for the environment?

Find out more here about the problems of using plastic bags. What plans do supermarkets and politicians have for reducing the number of plastic bags we use?

Jo and Jean look at the issue and tell us how British shoppers might be persuaded to be more environmentally friendly in the future.

Download and listen to Jo"s report 点击此处下载录音材料 Download the script of this programme 点击此处下载文字材料

上一篇:It Rings a Bell 很耳熟


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