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来源:原声电影 时间:2018-11-18 点击:

爱思英语编者按:近日,在美国加利福尼亚州好莱坞的中国剧院,演员布拉德·皮特携女友安吉丽娜·朱莉出席其主演的电影《无耻混蛋》("Inglourious Basterds")首映式。据外国媒体报道,美国型男皮特当年为协助新奥尔良灾民重建家园,阔绰捐出大笔款项外,更多次亲身落区督工,重获居所的灾民推举皮特做市长,并制作“皮特选市长”T恤为恩人造势,有指前日与女友安吉莉娜朱莉恩爱出席首映的皮特,已表态参加十一月的竞选。

Citizens in New Orleans are launching a movement to recruit Hollywood star Brad Pitt into the 2010 New Orleans mayoral race, going so far as wearing T-shirts with the slogan "Brad Pitt for Mayor." So will the actor take up political suggestion of his fans?

It is no secret that Brad Pitt has a soft spot for New Orleans. He has a home in New Orleans with partner Angelina Jolie, as well as playing an active part in rebuilding the Hurricane Katrina-ravaged Lower Ninth Ward with his Make it Right Foundation, and he has worked hard to keep the city"s plight in the headlines since the 2005 hurricane. He has become a big hero in some local residents" hearts -- so much that they"ve taken to campaigning for him for mayor. 更多信息请访问:

Actor Brad Pitt arrives at the premiere of "The Time Traveler"s Wife" in New York August 12, 2009.

Will Brad follow in the footsteps of former actor Ronald Reagan - who ended up becoming the 40th President of the United States in 1981, and one-time Hollywood action hero Arnold Schwarzenegger, who is now the Governor of California? Guess we"ll have to wait and see!


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