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来源:词汇 时间:2018-03-09 点击:
Helen: Hello, this is Real English from BBC Learning English, I’m Helen.
  Chen Li: 大家好,我是陈鹂。
  Helen: In Real English, we look at words and phrases that you might not find in your dictionary.
  Chen Li: 是的,英语是一种十分定式化的语言,所以了解现实生活中人们经常使用的固定表达和俚语自然就很有用了。
  Helen: Today’s word is gangsta rap.
  Chen Li: 我想我们最好还是将这个词分开来讲吧,你刚才说gangster,意思是强盗,匪徒,英文的拼写是 G.A.N.G.S.T.E.R。
  Helen: And today we are going to talk about gangster rap – but you will often see gangster spelt g.a.n.g.s.t.a. There’s a slight difference.
  Chen Li: 大多数人都知道 rap music,也就是说唱乐,但是什么是gangsta rap?从字面意义上怎么来解释呢?
  Helen: So gangsta rap sounds like typical rap or hip hop music?
  Chen Li: 听起来就像典型的说唱乐,或者是 hip hop 音乐。
  Helen: But the topic of the song will focus on the lifestyles of criminals or gangsters.
  Chen Li: 很多有名的美国说唱乐歌手都来自犯罪频繁的地区,他们的歌词也大都反映歹徒们的生活方式。
  A: I’m looking for the new Snoop Doggy Dogg CD.
  B: Aah, you’ll find it over there in the gangsta rap section…
  DJ Voice:加入收藏
  Coming up next is the new CD from gangsta rapper 50 Cent…
  Chen Li: So, Helen, do you like gangsta rap?
  Helen: It’s too violent for me. No, I don’t like it.
  Chen Li: 是的,我也迷惑这种宣扬暴力和大男子主义的方式会有什么可取之处。
  Helen: Oh well - that’s all for today’s programme all about gangsta rap.
  Chen Li: 是的,有关匪徒说唱乐。
  Helen: You’ve been listening to Real English from BBC Learning English. See you next time.
  Chen Li: 再会!


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