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来源:世界旅游 时间:2018-11-23 点击:

爱思英语编者按:风险投资家Tom Perkins造的这马尔他猎鹰号,是世界最大的私人游艇。最近经证实它的买家是英国最富有的女企业家Ambrosiadou女士。

Wealth Report readers will recall the August sale of Maltese Falcon, the 290-foot square-rig-and the largest private sailing yacht in the world-that was built by venture-capitalist Tom Perkins. At the time the rumored sale price was around $90 million to $100 million.
《奢华人生》的读者应该还会记起8月份马尔他猎鹰号(Maltese Falcon)出售的消息。风险投资家Tom Perkins造的这艘游艇长290英尺,是世界最大的私人游艇。当时谣传的售价大约是9,000万到1亿美元。

Since then, there have been all kinds of rumors about the buyer. Initial reports said the buyer was Russian. Other reports said it was a British hedge funder.

Wealth Report can now confirm an unsourced report on Yachtpals, that the buyer was Elena Ambrosiadou, founder of the hedge fund Ikos Partners.
《奢华人生》现在可以确认《Yachtpals》上一则没有指明来源的消息:买家是对冲基金Ikos Partners的创办人Elena Ambrosiadou。

The sale price: $120 million.

Through the yacht broker on the deal, Ms. Ambrosiadou confirmed the sale and the purchase price. She shies away from the term "owner" (even though she bought it) preferring to call herself the "caretaker" of Mr. Perkins" unique creation. The yacht is still available for charter through Burgess, the broker on the deal, for 378,000 euros a week, or roughly $550,000.

So who is Ms. Ambrosiadou? Media reports from 2008 say the Greece-born hedge funder was the highest paid woman and wealthiest female entrepreneur in Britain. The British press estimated her net worth last year at 200 million pounds ($327.5 million), though she is probably worth far more if she could afford to plunk down $120 million for a boat.

She recently moved her fund to Cyprus, according to press reports, to avoid Britain"s new tax increase and rules for nondomiciled residents. Her fund strategy is reportedly based on computer trading models.

Beyond that little is known. Yacht industry insiders say they don"t recall Ms. Ambrosiadou ever owning a yacht before-or even a small vessel. But since she was born and raised in Thessalonika, I would guess she knows her way around a sail boat.

Besides, Maltese can be sailed by computer, which should be a breeze for its new owner.



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