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Workaholic 工作狂

来源:英语故事 时间:2018-12-10 点击:


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    The script of this programme 本节目台词

    Diarmuid: Hello everybody and welcome to Authentic Real English from the BBC. I"m Diarmuid.

    Jean: And I"m Jean.

    Diarmuid: Sleepy Jean?

    Jean: Sorry Diarmuid. I am a bit tired today. I didn"t leave the office until nearly midnight last night.

    Diarmuid: Midnight! I was in bed by then. Why were you working so late?

    Jean: I often keep working until that time. That"s normal, isn"t it?

    A person eating lunch at their desk

    No time to stop for lunch? Are you a workaholic?

    Diarmuid: Maybe I"m just lazy but that seems very late to be leaving work. How many hours were you in the office?

    Jean: Oh just 11 or 12 hours.

    Diarmuid: A 12-hour day! Jean, be careful. You could become a workaholic!

    Jean: A workaholic. What"s that?

    Diarmuid: Workaholic. That"s our word of the day. W.O.R.K.A.H.O.L.I.C.

    Jean: Workaholic. 听起来像另一个英语单词 alcoholic 酒鬼。Is that right? Is it like an alcoholic?

    Diarmuid: In a way, yes. Workaholic is a portmanteau word. That is, a combination of two words to make a third word. In this case the words work and alcoholic.

    Jean: 我知道了。Workaholic 是由 work 和 alcoholic 这两个词拼起来形成的另一个新词。其实意思也就是形容某人对工作的狂热程度和酒鬼对酒的迷恋程度是一样的。

    Diarmuid: Yes, a workaholic is someone who works all the time. It"s almost like they are addicted to working.

    Jean: 所以 a workaholic 就是一个工作狂. Don"t worry Diarmuid, I"m not a workaholic. I"m just very busy these days.

    Diarmuid: It"s important to have a good balance between work and free time.


    A: I want to be a city banker when I leave college.

    B: You"ll need to be a workaholic. Those guys work really long hours.

    Jean: But isn"t it a good thing to be hard-working, Diarmuid?

    Diarmuid: Of course but too much work can be bad for you. So it"s good to enjoy your free time too.

    Jean: I certainly do that. I spent all weekend shopping in town.

    Diarmuid: Oh-oh! It sounds like you may be a shopaholic too!

    Jean: Shopaholic 那肯定是控制不住买东西欲望的人. Is that a shopping addict?

    Diarmuid: Exactly.

    Jean: Are there any other words like this?

    Diarmuid: We could also describe someone as a chocaholic.

    Jean: Don"t tell me – someone who loves eating chocolate?

    Diarmuid: That"s right. You can actually make these words up yourself for fun, but these three are the most common ones.

    Jean: Workaholic, shopaholic and chocaholic. Which one are you, Diarmuid?

    Diarmuid: I think I might be a sleepaholic. Anyway, it"s time to go now Jean.

    Jean: Ok 欢迎大家到我们的网站 下载更多的地道英语. Bye for now.

    Diarmuid: Goodbye.

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