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来源:世界旅游 时间:2018-12-15 点击:


Self-bombing terrorists don"t just exist among humans, as ants too commit suicide in a very dramatic way while taking others out with them, according to an ecologist Mark Moffett.

In his new book Adventures Among Ants, Moffett describes and shows how some ants will commit suicide in a very dramatic way while taking others out with them. Just before this picture was snapped in Borneo, Moffett had set a trap at the base of a tree colonized by cylindricus ants. The trap was simply some honey that he drizzled around the tree trunk.

Moffett also describes a Brazilian species that kills entire ant nests at a time.

"Up to eight sacrificial individuals stay outside at night to seal the entrance with sand, kicking the final grains in place until no trace of the hole is visible. Walled off from their sisters, by dawn almost all are dead, for reasons unknown—perhaps the squad consists of the old or sick. The ants in the nest then clear the passage to begin the day"s foraging. That night, more victims seal the door."

To understand such behavior, Moffett suggests that we think of an ant colony like a single organism. Cutting off a "minor" part may help to save the colony as a whole. "The larger the colony, the less consequential the casualty," he said.


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