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  • 经济危机难挡美国人购书欲望


  • 危机后美国SOHO族增多

    爱思英语编者按:经济危机之后美国的SOHO一族正在扩大,涵盖的范围也很广,但是SOHO一族的竞争依然比较激烈,工资也相对较少。SOHO一族能身兼数职,并能根据自身需要安排时间。Amid the eco

  • 经济危机迫使美国老年人重返职场

    爱思英语编者按:一项私人调查显示,美国近70年来最严重的经济危机使得一些老年人不得不重返不景气的就业市场重新找工作,否则就可能面临无家可归的境地。Eugene Salvino, 57, fills o

  • Performance-Stress-Motivation: 7 Sanity Saving Business Boundaries

    lack of strong boundaries is one of the chief causes of stress, overwork and overwhelm in the busine

  • Confusing MAV Optic Flow Sensors In flight Using Mobiles

    Using Shapes on Mobiles to confuse optic flow sensors in Micro Air Vehicles appears to be feasible

  • Chinese Military Build Up - Sun Tzu and Chinese War Machine

    We are currently seeing a build up in China of their military, with 7 new classes of warships Buyin

  • Definitve Proof - Supplements Heal

    No Money in PreventionI have been recommending a wide variety of dietary supplements to my patients

  • Highlights of IRS List of 2005 Tax Scams

    Each year, the IRS lists various scams taxpayers get caught up in The top 2005 scams include severa

  • Find a Methodology and Minimize Investment Madness

    There are many reasons to be investing these days, and too much opportunity to not have your money w

  • Sample Business Plan Outline

    If you are looking for a partner, funding, angle investor or venture capital you will be asked for a

  • Finger Protocol - TCP/IP Suite

    The finger protocol is used to return information on users on a specific host Information that ca

  • Whois Protocol - TCP/IP Suite

    The Whois protocol is an information service not unlike the finger service The Whois protocol provi

  • An Introduction to Self Publishing Material

    Any article, report or book which is bought or sold with reproduction rights is generally referred t

  • Ethics? How To Take the Measure Business

    When asked to write a small piece pertaining to ethics and integrity in the business world, my first

  • Business Ethics: An Oxymoron?

    Why do I believe good PR and business ethics are inextricably linked? It comes down to definitions

  • The Three Schools of Business Ethics

    G Richard Shell, author of Bargaining for Advantage: Negotiation Strategies for Reasonable People,

  • Introduction to Dedicated Servers

    A dedicated server is a single computer on a web-hosting network that is leased or rented, and dedic

  • Depression: Escape Your Mental Prison

    There is an illness all around me in modern society that seems to be spreading like the Black Plague

  • 曼联开门红 贝巴表现不俗


  • 涉恐中国留学生翟田田回国欲讨清白

    爱思英语编者按:卷入“涉嫌恐怖威胁(terrorist threat)”漩涡的中国留学生翟田田,在异国他乡经历约4个月的牢狱之灾后,终于凭藉“自动离境”

  • 日本艺伎“自贬身价”改卖啤酒


  • 压力过大易得老年痴呆症


  • 澳大利亚女总理“新官上任三把火”


  • When rights clash 权利冲突之时

    A GENERATION ago, gays felt the system was stacked against them These days, at least on liberal uni

  • 玉树学生拾起书本 拾起希望


  • 媒体评论:英国莎士比亚话剧《麦克白》

    “折服中国观众的是简洁却绝不简单的设计中蕴含的巧妙想象力以及整个演出纯正的英伦风格和强烈的戏剧震撼力。” —《北京晚报》“表演行云流水,潇洒自如中却深藏功力。舞台简洁至极,朴实之中却凸现庞大寓意

  • 德国回应希腊债务危机:早早起床 努力工作


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