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When rights clash 权利冲突之时

来源:教研论文 时间:2018-12-07 点击:

A GENERATION ago, gays felt the system was stacked against them. These days, at least on liberal university campuses, it is fundamentalist Christians who feel beleaguered. On April 19th the Supreme Court heard a case about a clash between the two groups. At issue is whether a public university’s rules barring discrimination against gays should trump the right of the faithful to practice their religion.


At the Hastings College of the Law, an arm of the University of California in San Francisco, a student group called the Christian Legal Society (CLS) wants to be led only by those who share its beliefs. These include the notion that sex outside of traditional marriage is immoral. Gays are allowed to join the group, as indeed are other “sinners”, but only if they repent.


Hastings decided that this violated its rule barring student groups from discriminating against anyone because of their sexual orientation, among other things. The college withdrew its recognition of the CLS. This means that the group no longer gets subsidies and easy access to campus meeting rooms. It is also unable to use the college e-mail system, to advertise its meetings on the main college bulletin board or to recruit at the welcoming fair for new students. The CLS sued, accusing the college of breaching its own policy forbidding discrimination on grounds of religion, not to mention the constitution’s guarantees of freedom of religion and of association.


It is a tricky case. The college insists that it has not trampled on anyone’s religious freedom. The Christian students are free to go and hold their meetings elsewhere. The Christian students retort that they have been singled out. Until recently, the college tolerated a Hispanic student group that had a rule excluding non-Hispanics.


The Christians say that anyone is welcome to attend their meetings, but that only those who share their core beliefs may vote or assume leadership positions. If they cannot insist on this, they say, there is nothing to stop their group from being taken over by people hostile to its principles. Other groups would also be vulnerable: the campus Republicans would have to admit Democrats, Jewish groups would have to admit neo-Nazis and so on. Presumably, a small student society devoted to the study of philosophy could be taken over by a larger group of students who wished to spend its resources on beer.


The stated purpose of the university’s non-discrimination rule is to promote a diversity of viewpoints. But “if the student organisations are not allowed to have a coherent set of beliefs, there can be no diversity among them,” complained Michael McConnell, a lawyer for CLS. He echoed what the late Justice William Brennan argued in 1984, that: “freedom of association …plainly presupposes a freedom not to associate.”

该校非歧视规则的公开目的是促进观点的多样性;不过基督教法律社团的律师迈克尔•麦康奈尔对此抱怨道:“如果校方不允许学生组织拥有一整套条理清晰的信念的话,组织之间将无多样性可言。” 麦康奈尔仿效已故大法官威廉•布伦南在1984年的说法:“结社自由……明显是以不结社的自由为预设条件的。”

At oral arguments, the Supreme Court appeared sharply divided. Justice Antonin Scalia, a reliable conservative, said it was “weird” to require a Republican club to admit Democrats, and “crazy” to insist that a Christian society “allow atheists not just to join, but to conduct Bible classes”. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a liberal, was inclined to give the college the benefit of the doubt. “It may be an ill-advised policy, but the school says: It’s our policy, it’s working fine, and all the hypotheticals about sabotage [and] takeover, they haven’t happened,” she said.


Justice Anthony Kennedy, who is often the Court’s swing voter, sounded as though he was swinging towards Ms Ginsburg’s position. “If the Christian Legal Society has these beliefs,” he said, “I am not so sure why people that don’t agree with them want to belong to them.”


Barack Obama has carefully kept his distance. He does not want to upset people with traditional religious views. But however the top court rules, the issue is likely to come up at the Senate confirmation hearings for Mr Obama’s next nominee to join it. One candidate on every pundit’s shortlist to replace him is Diane Wood, who once issued a stinging dissent when, in a similar case, an appeals court in Chicago ruled in favour of a local chapter of the same Christian group. “Even if [a university’s anti-discrimination] policy somehow infringes upon a First Amendment right of CLS or its members,” she argued, “that infringement may be justified if it is in furtherance of a compelling state interest,” such as promoting diversity. If Judge Wood is nominated, expect fireworks.



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