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The Michael Jackson memorial did more than celebrate the King of Pop; it brought his family back together. From the famous (Janet) to the infamous (La Toya), here is a look at Motown"s First Family, four decades after it first took the spotlight.

Rebbie (Maureen Reilette Jackson, born May 29, 1950)
Before she and her sisters joined the Jackson 5 onstage in 1975, Rebbie"s biggest contribution was babysitting the large brood in Gary, Ind. She hit gold with the 1984 song "Centipede" (which Michael wrote) and went on to produce four albums, ending with 1998"s Yours Faithfully for her brother"s MJJ record label. She is married with three children.


瑞比在1975终于可以和其他姐妹一起参与到the Jackson 5合唱组的演出并现场客串表演,而在此之前,瑞比的最大贡献就是在印第安纳州加里市照料家里的兄弟姐妹。此后瑞比在1984年推出了个人专辑,并依靠“Centipede”这首歌(Michael为她所写)取得金唱片的荣誉。后来她还录制了四张个人专辑,最后一张发行于1998年的唱片《Yours Faithfully》是由Michael的MJJ唱片制作公司所制作。瑞比现在已婚并育有三个孩子。

Jackie (Sigmund Esco Jackson, born May 4, 1951)
He wanted to be a baseball player but quickly took to his role as co–lead singer of both the Jackson 5 and the Jacksons. Jackie produced two solo albums, 16 years apart (1973"s Jackie Jackson and 1989"s Be the One). His current project is launching new stars through his label, Jesco Records. One longtime hopeful? His son, rapper Siggy, a.k.a. Dealz.


杰基原本是想成为一名棒球运动员,但是很快就喜欢上他在the Jackson 5和the Jacksons两个乐队所担当的主唱歌手之一的角色。杰基录制了两张个人独唱专辑,两张的时间跨度长达16年(分别是1973年的同名专辑《Jackie Jackson》和1989年的《Be the One》)。他现在的工作项目主要是推广他自己的唱片厂牌(Jesco Records)旗下的新星。而杰基的儿子——说唱歌手Siggy Jackson, aka DEALZ会不会是一个恒久的希望之星呢?

Tito (Toriano Adaryll Jackson, born Oct. 15, 1953)
His official website,, says Tito"s "mark on music history ... has stood the test of time." But this mark hasn"t featured significant works apart from the family"s (though the site advertises a solo album and a European tour in 2009). The late-night punch line (Letterman is wont to joke about him) has focused much of his musical energy on his three sons" band, T3.


Jermaine (Lajaune Jackson, born Dec. 11, 1954)
At the memorial, he referred to himself as Michael"s "rock" — Jermaine publicly supported Michael during Michael"s 2005 sex-abuse scandal. Jermaine had a mildly successful solo career during and after the Jacksons (including a duet with Pia Zadore). As record sales dried up, he discovered reality television, appearing on the U.K."s Celebrity Big Brother in 2007 and producing a country single on CMT"s reality show Gone Country II in 2008.


在追思会上,他把自己归类为Michael的“礁石”——杰梅因在MJ经历的2005年官司的过程中一直公开表示坚定支持Michael。杰梅因的个人歌唱生涯在the Jacksons时期以及之后都还算比较成功。随着唱片销售普遍缩水,他开始涉足真人秀电视节目,2007年出现在英国的《名人老大哥》(Celebrity Big Brother)节目中,2008年为CMT的真人秀节目Gone Country II制作了一首乡村乐风格的单曲。

La Toya (La Toya Yvonne Jackson, born May 29, 1956)
Her fledgling music career was soon overshadowed by her popular fitness video (Step-Up with La Toya Jackson) and provocative photo spreads: La Toya"s 1989 Playboy pictorial was one of the biggest sellers in the magazine"s history. In 2007, she was a gun-toting standout on CBS"s celebrity-cop boot-camp show, Armed & Dangerous. Out of respect for the Jackson family, the filmmakers of Brüno made a last-minute edit to Sacha Baron Cohen"s movie removing an unflattering scene featuring La Toya.


她的音乐生涯刚刚起步之时就很快被其后广为人知的录像带事件和到处散播的火辣照片给投下了阴影:拉托娅在1989年为《花花公子》画报拍摄的一组照片使那一期成为期刊业历史上最畅销之一。在2007年CBS电视台的名人警察新兵训练营节目“武装和危险”(Armed & Dangerous)中被评为“持枪杰出人物”。出于对杰克逊家族的尊敬,节目临近播出时,摄制人员决定将有拉托娅参与的真实场景从节目中删掉。

Marlon (Marlon David Jackson, born Mar. 12, 1957)
Marlon left the Jacksons in 1987 to pursue a solo career that seemed promising at first: "Don"t Go," his first single from the debut album Baby Tonight, climbed as high as No. 2 on the R&B chart. But follow-up efforts were less successful, and Marlon later made forays into business ventures outside the music industry. At the memorial, Marlon mentioned his twin brother Brandon, who died in childbirth


马龙于1987年离开the Jacksons乐队寻求个人独唱的更大发展空间,起初看似前景广阔。他首张专辑《Baby Tonight》中的第一支单曲“Don"t Go”在R&B排行榜上攀升至亚军位置。然而随后付出的努力越来越让人看不到成功的希望,于是马龙退出音乐行业杀入商业投机领域。在MJ的追思会上,马龙还提到了他死于分娩过程中的双胞胎兄弟布兰登

Randy (Steven Randall Jackson, born Oct. 29, 1961)
The youngest of the Jackson boys, Randy thrived on the piano and joined his elder brothers in the Jacksons after Jermaine left in 1976. He went on to become a studio musician and started his own label, Modern Records, in 1998.


作为杰克逊家族男丁中最年轻的一位,兰迪在钢琴上颇有造诣,当杰梅因在1976年离开the Jacksons之后,他随即加入了哥哥们的行列,填补了空缺。兰迪后来成为了一名在录音棚工作的音乐人,并在1998年创立自己的唱片公司。

Janet (Janet Damita Jo Jackson, born May 18, 1966)更多信息请访问:
The youngest Jackson is the only one who has come close to achieving Michael"s solo success. Three of her albums (1986"s Control, 1989"s Janet Jackson"s Rhythm Nation 1814 and 1993"s Janet) went platinum multiple times over. Her forays into acting — from roles on Diff"rent Strokes and Good Times in the "70s and "80s to her movie debut in 1993"s Poetic Justice — also proved successful. In 2004, she ignited controversy over her wardrobe malfunction at the Super Bowl and her secret marriage to now ex-husband Rene Elizondo.


杰克逊家族最年轻的珍妮是家族成员中唯一一个在演艺生涯上取得的成就比较接近Michael的。她有三张专辑(1986年的《Control》、1989年的《Janet Jackson"s Rhythm Nation 1814》和1993年的《Janet》)相继达到白金唱片的销量。除此之外,珍妮还偶尔涉足电影界,我们可以在多部电影中看到她的表演,从七八十年代的《Diff"rent Strokes》和《Good Times》里的小角色到1993年首次担当主演并获得成功的影片《写诗的贾斯廷斯》(Poetic Justice)。在2004年,珍妮因两起事件引发巨大争议,一是NFL超级碗大赛中场秀表演中因“服装故障”而造成的“爆乳风波”,另一件则是与好友兼舞蹈教练Rene Elizondo秘密结婚,不过现在两人已经分道扬镳。

Michael"s Children
Until the memorial, they often wore masks in public to conceal their identities. But at the tribute, as her brothers Prince Michael, 12, and Prince Michael II (also known as Blanket), 7, stood quietly by, 11-year-old Paris Michael Katherine broke their silence. In the coming weeks, they could be at the center of a heated custody battle: Debbie Rowe, the estranged mother of Prince and Paris, has voiced interest in battling grandmother Katherine for guardianship of all three kids. (Blanket"s mother is unknown.)


Joe and Katherine Jackson
They have been separated for years and have forged drastically different relationships with their multiple offspring. Joe was the force who brought the Jackson family to its initial heights of fame, though allegations of child abuse would surface in later years. Katherine was the matriarch. "Every child thinks their mother is the greatest mother in the world," Michael wrote in his autobiography. "We Jacksons never lost that feeling." 更多信息请访问:





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