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来源:特别英语 时间:2018-12-12 点击:

爱思广播本期节目由Molly与特邀主播-美丽的Yoyo一起为大伙儿带来特别的毕业专题节目。Yoyo曾经在大学的广播站播出了无数感人动听的节目,在又一个毕业的时刻,在爱思广播Ace Radio,已阔别校园一年的Yoyo继续用甜美的声线和Molly一起在空中与广大学子共同纪念属于我们的毕业季节。


Molly: Do you still remember your university days?

Yoyo: Do you still remember those days when you were going to leave the campus?

Molly: Four years" trails and hardships, joys and sorrows are gushing out to our mind all together.

Yoyo: We can hardly tell whether we are joyful or gloomy at the moment when we are about to leave the campus and to start a new stage of life.

Molly: That"s the end of the university days.

Yoyo: That"s graduation.


Molly: For many students, the ivory tower always shines through their souls and teach a lifetime of lessons .Amid the simple relationships and knowledge we"ve got, it"s so delighted to learn how to love the people anyway and put what we have learned to use in all other relationships and areas of our life. Take me for example, When I am bothered by the daily trifles and some other personal problems, I will recall my university and the education I received at it, which give me courage and confidence to confront all displeasures and then keep going.

Yoyo: Yeah, it’s one year since I left the campus.  I think when we have lived in a place for a few years, we will develop a special tie with it, a tie which touches our soul every time the name is mentioned. When we feel bored, or reflect those far-away happenings on a sleepless night, our thoughts will wander into our university days for comfort.

Molly: How will you describe your university days?Self study?Making friends or starting a new life? None of the answers are completely satisfying. A university is a small society, and also a big family, with everything inside.

Yoyo: However, in the four-year life, each year is of great difference from one another. Try to remember the kind of September. There were new friends, new teaching-mode, new environment, With nothing much to do, we spent a lot of time exploring the new world, shopping in the downtown area, travelling around the neighboring universities. Thus the first year passed in the excitement and puzzlement.

Molly: Different from the first year, life of a sophomore became settled and busy. Around forty classes a week made us feel reverse to middle-school ages, when the focus of life was nothing but study.

Yoyo: Life in the third year begins to slow down again, for it’s either the time to worry about study or job, while some of us might wander among some choices, that is, to go to work or go further educated, to go abroad or stay home after graduation, and thus get prepared for their decisions.

Molly: it’s the last year of the university days, which will lead us to another whole new life and say goodbye to the past. When that day comes, ask ourselves, what we have left and what we have taken in our university days.

Please remember the everyday we spent together.


Molly: During the four years, we have met lots of friends.

Yoyo: And when we refer to the friends in the university, there is a special group-the roommates. When we run into some difficulty, our roommate is the first person who helps out now that we are far away from home.


Molly:Love is also an eternal topic in university. However, when it comes to graduation, we have to choose and decide.


Yoyo:多年后,你会在心里揣测,多年前那个载过你和她的单车,如今散落在何方吗?送出这首Goodbye My lover,纪念那些逝去的美好时光。

Molly: Four years have past.we have mastered book after book.  Every day we acquire a new skill until we improve our abilities.  We wake up every morning with a great effort.  We come to the university with sleepy eyes.  We squeeze ourselves through the mass throng in the halls till we reach our final destination .."the class" to find our teacher surprise us with "you have a quiz tomorrow".

Yoyo:  Then, we move to the lab, where the computer becomes our closest confidant for the next two hours or more.  Truly, how wonderful are these moments we have spent together.  We have met great people and made special friendships.  Before all that, we developed a rapport with us, our teachers!  If we have made any mistakes or offended our friends or even the teachers , they will kindly forgive us like our mothers do.


Molly:And here we are now, celebrating our graduation, saying our goodbye"s to our student chairs, to go into a bigger and wider, exciting but scary world, leaving our books, exams and all their anxiety behind.

Yoyo: We would like to thank all of you most sincerely for contributing to our education.  We are grateful for invaluable support.  We appreciate your effort in helping us to become what we are now and what we are about to be.Good bye for now until we meet again.

Molly: 毕业,是离别的季节。面对熟悉的校园,朝夕相处的同学,讨厌或者喜欢的老师,在这样的时刻,都成了我们不想说再见的种种理由。

Yoyo: 毕业,是成长的小结。面对每一本留言册,面对一个个情感饱满的文字,那些曾经被我们忽视的点点滴滴,在这样的时刻,都会让我们动容不已。



Molly: 毕业了,说不出喜悦还是苦涩。毕业了,我们曾经争抢的椅子在角落里独处 。

Yoyo:毕业了,等你路边的长椅依旧默默的守侯。毕业了,独自撑起了生命的暖色 。

Molly:毕业了,不能说算就算了。毕业了,我说是结束 你说是成熟。

Yoyo:毕业了,你若记得就记得,你若忘记就忘记 。毕业了,毕业装了满满一车。

Molly:毕业了,让人怀念的对面楼里的灯光 。毕业了,我已经决定去那个城市找他/她了。

Yoyo: 毕业了,球场里闪过的最后的脚步。毕业了,朋友说无论走多远你都是最棒的。

Molly: 毕业了,说好了不哭却撑不住。

Yoyo: Graduation is the end of the four years and also a new start.

Molly: Graduation is where the road turns to a brand new world.

Yoyo: A box of memories underneath my couch.

Molly: Too much for me right now to think about.

Yoyo: This is where the road turns, my friend my partner. We’ll catch up some other time. 





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