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Sport / Basketball 体育/ 篮球

来源:体育英语 时间:2018-11-17 点击:
  从下面选项中选择正确答案;单击“核对答案”按钮,核对你的答案. Your score: 0/6 Your score: 1/6 Your score: 2/6 Your score: 3/6 Your score: 4/6 Your score: 5/6 Your score: 6/6   1 : Michael Jordan is one of the most __________ basketball players of all time. tall rich famous fastThe possible answers were:

You said: tall rich famous fast   Michael Jordon 对不起,答错了。Michael Jordon 是很高,但是这个答案用在这儿不合适。在英语里我们不说 most tall, 而说 tallest. 再想想看哪个词可以和单词 most 连用。高 tall, 最高 tallest.祝贺你,答对了!Michael Jordan 是 most famous 的篮球明星之一。著名的,有名的 famous。 对不起,答错了。在英语里我们不说 most fast, 而说 fastest. 再想想看哪个词可以和单词 most 连用。快 fast,最快 fastest。对不起,答错了。Michael Jordon 是很富有,但是这个答案用在这儿不合适。在英语里我们不说 most rich, 而说 richest. 再想想看哪个词可以和单词 most 连用。富有 rich,最富的 richest。你没有回答这个问题。   2 : What is the term used when a player scores points by jumping in the air and pushing the basketball through the hoop? Slam dunk Smack down Smash Grand slamThe possible answers were:
Slam dunk
Smack down
Grand slam

You said: Slam dunk Smack down Smash Grand slam   Michael Jordan going for a slam dunk 恭喜你,答对了。A slam dunk 的意思就是大力灌篮。 对不起,答错了。A smack down 这个短语你会在摔跤比赛中听到,World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) 世界摔跤娱乐。摔跤 wrestling 。对不起,答错了。如果你 smash 一个东西,意思就是说你把一个东西打碎了,或是重击某物。这个词在网球比赛中经常会听到。Tennis 网球。对不起,答错了。Grand slam 大满贯,这个词经常会在垒球 baseball 运动中使用。你没有回答这个问题。   3 : During a basketball game, the basketball must be passed among the players or dribbled down the court. What is dribbling? Kicking a ball from left to right Bouncing a ball and walking at the same time Throwing a ball and spinning in circles Passing a ball back and forward among playersThe possible answers were:
Kicking a ball from left to right
Bouncing a ball and walking at the same time
Throwing a ball and spinning in circles
Passing a ball back and forward among players

You said: Kicking a ball from left to right Bouncing a ball and walking at the same time Throwing a ball and spinning in circles Passing a ball back and forward among players   Basketball 对不起,答错了。你不能在踢球 kick the ball 的同时 dribbling 运球。Kick 踢。完全正确。Dribbling 这儿的意思是运球,手拍球后球上下弹跳。Bouncing 跳。 对不起,答错了。当你在运球 dribbling 的时候,你不可以 throw 一个球或者 spin in circles 。Throw 传球,spin in circles 原地打转。对不起,答错了。当你在运球的时候不可以 pass the ball back and forward 传球。你没有回答这个问题。   4 : Basketball is usually played on a __________ with a net at either end. track course pitch courtThe possible answers were:

You said: track course pitch court   A basketball court 对不起,答错了。Basketball 不是一项田径项目。A track 是给 runners 提供的场地。Track 跑道,runners 赛跑的人。对不起,答错了。我们通常不在 a course 上打篮球。高尔夫球场的英文是 a golf course. Golf 高尔夫。对不起,答错了。我们通常不在 a pitch 上打篮球,而在 a pitch 上踢足球或是打橄榄球。Pitch 球场,football 足球,rugby 橄榄球。回答完全正确!我们在 a court 上打篮球。篮球场 basketball court. 你没有回答这个问题。   5 : Basketball is believed to __________ in the 1890s by an American college professor. been invented have been invented invented inventThe possible answers were:
been invented
have been invented

You said: been invented have been invented invented invent   Yao Ming - a famous Chinese basketball player 对不起,答错了。Been invented 这个短语用在这句话中有语法错误。再想想看。恭喜你,答对了。 对不起,答错了。Invented 这个词用在这句话中有语法错误。注意参考上下文的语态。对不起,答错了。Invent 这个词用在这句话中有语法错误。注意参考上下文的语态,再试试。你没有回答这个问题。   6 : Basketball has been a __________ bearing Olympic sport since 1936. medal- team- player- child-The possible answers were:

You said: medal- team- player- child-   An Olympic basketball 太棒了,答对了。A medal-bearing 运动就是你想你可以 win medals 的运动。Medal 奖牌。 对不起,答错了。英语里没有 a team-bearing 运动这个说法。对不起,答错了。英语里没有 a player-bearing 运动这个说法。对不起,答错了。Child-bearing 的意思是生小孩,分娩,它和奥运会和篮球没有关系,再想想看。 生孩子 childbearing.你没有回答这个问题。   Try Again



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