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来源:房地产英语 时间:2018-11-20 点击:

房地产开发商Heron International今夏举行了一场庆典,在伦敦金融城毕舍普斯盖特区Heron大厦的地基中埋下了一个时光舱,其中包括一枚来路合乎要求的龟甲。
Property developer Heron International held a ceremony this summer to bury a time capsule in its Heron Tower development at Bishopsgate in the City of London. Its contents included an ethically sourced tortoiseshell.

Heron首席执行官杰拉德•荣森(Gerald Ronson)解释道:“在风水中,龟甲代表着强有力的支撑、保护和安全。因此,龟甲常常被置于遵循风水原则的建筑物地基中。据信这有助于保护建筑物的安全,并被视作吉祥之物。”
“In feng shui, the tortoiseshell represents a strong back, protection and security,” explained Gerald Ronson, Heron"s chief executive. “For this reason, a tortoiseshell is commonly placed into the foundations of a building that incorporates feng shui principles. It is believed to help keep it safe and is considered an auspicious symbol.”   更多信息请访问:

另一家讲究风水的企业是汇丰(HSBC)。汇丰位于香港滨海地区的总部由诺曼•福斯特勋爵(Sir Norman Foster)设计,被认为风水极佳,理由包括其海港风景和大厦入口处的狮子。该行在伦敦金丝雀码头的办公大楼门口,也放着类似的一对狮子。
Another corporate exponent of feng shui is HSBC. Its headquarters on Hong Kong"s waterfront, designed by Sir Norman Foster, is considered to have very good feng shui for reasons ranging from its harbour view to the lions at the building"s entrance. A similar pair of lions can be found at the bank"s offices in London"s Canary Wharf.

风水可不是什么一时的风尚,转瞬即逝。随着与亚洲的商业联系日益紧密,西方企业仍然很重视风水。“虽然风水对英国业主而言往往不是优先考虑的因素,但对来自其他文化的业主可能非常重要,”Heron营销主管丽莎•荣森(Lisa Ronson)表示。
Far from being a passing fad, feng shui continues to be taken seriously by companies in the west as closer business links are forged with Asia. “Although feng shui is often not a high priority for UK tenants, it can be a very important consideration for those from other cultures,” says Lisa Ronson, Heron"s marketing director.

“Ensuring that a building complies with feng shui will not generally put anyone off taking space in a building, but can be a big attraction for some.”

“无论是风水,还是幸运数字,它们的真正意义在于将机会最大化,”咨询公司中国商务服务(China Business Services)首席执行官杰里米•戈登(Jeremy Gordon)补充道。“这些信条依然相当流行。”更多信息请访问:
“Whether it"s feng shui or lucky numbers, it"s about maximising your opportunities,” adds Jeremy Gordon, chief executive of China Business Services, a consultancy. “These beliefs still have a lot of currency.”  

风水顾问西蒙•布朗(Simon Brown)表示,很多风水其实就是出色的办公空间设计。布朗著有《好风好水好生意》(Practical Feng Shui for Business)一书。“例如,在销售区域,你或许需要一种充满动感的氛围,因此会使用明亮的色彩;而在会计部门,你会寻求一种更为柔和的气氛,有助于集中注意力。”
Simon Brown, a feng shui consultant and the author of Practical Feng Shui for Business, says that a lot of feng shui is simply good workspace design. “For instance, in a sales area, you might want a dynamic atmosphere so you would use bright colours, whereas in an accounts space you would be looking for a more muted ambience that encourages concentration.”

Mr Gordon agrees: “Whether you believe in it or not, feng shui generally has a good, practical effect on the workplace and the layout of the building.”

There are three simple things any business can do to improve its feng shui, according to Mr Brown: bring in plants; position desks so that people face into the room; and get rid of clutter. Things that engender poor feng shui include grey carpets, off-white walls and strip lighting.

布朗称,向他咨询风水的客户包括英国航空(British Airways)、美体小铺(Body Shop)、Interbrand以及Specsavers。
Mr Brown says that his feng shui clients have included British Airways, Body Shop, Interbrand and Specsavers.

A consultation can include anything from advice on rearranging a small existing office to input on the design of a new building.

有些企业甚至更进一步。去年,地板公司Barefoot Living的首席执行官道恩•吉宾斯(Dawn Gibbins)委托对康格尔顿进行风水调查。这座位于柴郡的小镇是她公司总部所在地。
Some companies go even further. Last year, Dawn Gibbins, chief executive of Barefoot Living, a flooring business, commissioned a feng shui survey of Congleton, the Cheshire town in which her business was based.

“When I first suggested it to the local business community, I think a lot of them thought I was mad,” she says, “but most people are pretty supportive now.”

Ms Gibbins recalls how, when she was seeking a Malaysian partner for her previous flooring company, she was taken to see three consultants to check that she had the right feng shui number sequence. “Luckily,” she says, “my feng shui was fine.”

Mr Gordon says that he once worked in a Hong Kong office where the wonderful view was permanently obscured by blinds on orders of his boss – because of the bad feng shui from a nearby building.

At Heron, Mr Ronson advises that good feng shui is part of “making sure nothing has been left to chance”.


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