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来源:WTO英语 时间:2018-11-21 点击:
Tariff Classification of Goods 货物的税则归类 Tariff Concession Negotiation 关税减让谈判 Tariff Negotiating Plan 关税谈判方式 Tariff Negotiation Formula 关税谈判公式 Tariff-Jumping Investment 逃避关税投资 Taxation of Like Products 对相似产品的征税 Taxes and Charges Levied on Imports and Exports 对进出口产品征收的税费 Taxes other than Direct Taxes and Import Charges 直接税和进口规费以外的所有税 Technical Barriers to Trade(TBT) 技术性贸易壁垒 Technical Cooperation and Capacity Building 技术合作和能力建设 Technical Cooperation Audit 技术合作审计 Technical Testing and Analysis Services 技术检验和分析服务 Temporary Entry of Personnel 人员暂时进入 Temporary Stay of Natural Persons 自然人的临时停留 Term of Protection of a Work 作品保护期限 Termination of a Final Anti-Dumping Duty 终止最终反倾销税 Termination of an Undertaking 终止价格承诺 Termination of Treaty as a Consequence of Breach 违约导致的条约终止 Termination Periods for Withdrawals 撤回的终止期 Terms, Limitations and Conditions 条款、限制和条件 Territorial Nature of Industrial Property Rights 工业产权的地域性 Territories Entitled to Receive Preferential Treatment 有资格获得优惠待遇的地区 Testing, Inspection, Certification, and Approval Procedures 检验、检查、认证和批准程序 Textile and Clothing Subject to Restraint 受限制纺织品 Textile and the GATT 纺织品和关税与贸易总协定 Textile Monitoring Body ( TMB ) (WTO) 纺织品监督机构 Textile Surveillance Body ( TSB ) (MFA) 纺织品监督机构 The Effect of Dumped Imports 倾销进口产品的影响 The Five Interested Parties (FIPS) 核心五国(美国、欧盟、巴西、印度和澳大利亚) The Multilateral Trading System 多边贸易体系 The Quad 四方组织(美国、欧盟、日本和加拿大) The Right to Seek Information from Experts 向专家寻求信息的权利 The World Code of Conduct 世界行为守则 Third Country Dumping 第三国倾销 Third Country Market 第三国市场 Third Party Rights 第三方权利 Three Pillars of Agriculture 农业的三个支柱 Tokyo Round Code 《东京回合守则》 Tokyo Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations 多边贸易谈判东京回合 Topographies of Integrated Circuits 集成电路拓扑图 Total Aggregate Measurement of Support(Total AMS) 综合支持总量 Tourism and Travel-Related Services 旅游和旅行相关的服务 Trade and Investment Access Facility 贸易和投资准入便利 Trade and Investment Liberalization and Facilitation (TILF) 贸易和投资自由化和便利化 Trade and Transfer of Technology 贸易与技术转让 Trade Balancing Requirements 贸易平衡要求 Trade Policy Review Mechanism(TPRM) 贸易政策审议机制 Trade Remedy Investigations 贸易救济调查 Trade Restrictive Practices 限制贸易的做法 Trade-balancing measures (进出口)贸易平衡措施 Trademark Licensing Agreement 商标许可协定 Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights 与贸易有关的知识产权 Trade-Related Intellectual Property Regime 与贸易有关的知识产权体制 Trade-related investment measures ( TRIMs ) 与贸易有关的投资措施 Trade-Related Technical Assistance 与贸易有关的技术援助 Trade-Restrictive and Distorting Effect 贸易限制与扭曲效果 Traditional Folklore Handicraft Textile and Clothing Products 传统民间手工纺织品和服装产品 Transitional Product-Specific Safeguard Measures 特定产品过渡性保障措施 Transitional Product-Specific Safeguard Mechanism 特定产品过渡性保障机制 Transitional Review Mechanism 过渡性审议机制 Transitional safeguard measures ( TSG ) 过渡性保障措施 Transparency of Trade Policy 贸易政策透明度 Travel Agencies and Tour Operators Services 旅行社和旅行社经营者服务 Tuna Ⅰ 金枪鱼案Ⅰ Tuna Ⅱ 金枪鱼案Ⅱ Tuna Case 金枪鱼案 Turtle Excluder Devices 避免捕杀海龟装置


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