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How to love the winter寒冬的乐趣

来源:WTO英语 时间:2018-11-30 点击:

Temperatures have plummeted across the northern hemisphere in recent weeks, and icy conditions, everywhere have forced people to take extra care. But they"ve also provided some chances for cold-weather fun.
And since cultural trends often spill across geographical borders, there"s a rich mix of things that people eat, drink, wear and do around the globe when the mercury falls.

喝 Drink

在英国,热酒精饮料很受欢迎。一杯苏格兰热棕榈酒由蜂蜜,柠檬以及威士忌调制而成,它可以使苏格兰高地的人们保持体温。英国人则喜爱置身于传统英式酒吧中,围坐在敞开式的壁炉旁,时不时地喝上一小口加香料的热葡萄酒。 Hot alcoholic drinks are popular in the UK. A Scottish hot toddy is made with honey, lemon and whisky and keeps the highlanders warm. The English like to sip mulled wine as they sit round an open log fire in a traditional pub.

俄罗斯人以喜爱伏特加而闻名于世,他们通过饮用伏特加来驱散严寒,但“认为酒精有助于抵挡严寒,这种观点是错误的,”俄罗斯首席卫生检查员Gennady Onishenko在接受英国泰晤士报时表示。“它损害了你的身体,使你产生一种温暖的错觉。”
Russians are renowned for enjoying vodka to stave off the winter chill, but “It"s a mistake to think alcohol helps when it"s cold,” Gennady Onishenko, Russia"s chief sanitary inspector, tells the UK Times. “It damages you and gives a feeling of false warmth.”

A non-alcoholic alternative is Sbiten, or hot mead: a drink made with honey, spices, jam and water, though the water can be replaced by wine.

在白天,热巧克力是很受欢迎的驱寒饮品。“柏林人正在积极抵御寒冬。热巧克力店营业额激增。”Roger Boyes在英国泰晤士报中写道。在美国,热巧克力也是深受人们喜爱的冬季饮品之一,纽约市处处都可以买到这种可以驱散严寒的饮品。
Hot chocolate is a popular daytime warmer. “Berliners are nesting. Hot chocolate outlets are booming,” wrote Roger Boyes in the UK Times last Thursday. Hot chocolate is also a winter drink of choice in the States, and New York is brimming with great spots for the molten brew.

吃 Food

A good meal helps get anyone through a cold snap. Slow cooked meat and vegetable dishes are popular, taking the form of casserole or stew in the US, a ragout in France, or a goulash, the traditional stew of Hungary, in Eastern Europe. In the UK, nothing goes down quite as well as a bag of takeaway fish and chips on a frozen night.

Meat is a key ingredient and in the coldest climes, like Siberia, where temperatures reach -30 C or below, people live on reindeer and horsemeat. Siberian mothers rub a cream made from badger fat on their children"s faces to keep their skin from getting chapped.

穿 Clothing

In Siberia, animals are also used for clothing. Ushanka hats, made from fur, with earflaps, are worn throughout Russia. The name derives from the Russian word for “ears”. Valenki boots, made of wool, have kept Russians" feet warm since medieval times. “Valenki are making a stylish comeback in Russia"s capital, with Moscow"s young and fashionable wearing them out in the city"s cafes and nightclubs,” The New York Times reported last week.

Staying fashionable means ignoring the frost, for some youngsters. In Northern England, girls wear miniskirts when they go out to bars in the biting cold and drink strong alcohol so they don"t feel the chill.

A report in earlier this year marveled at young Japanese girl"s resistance to the cold: “In Hokkaido"s blizzard, in freezing temperatures over 10 C below zero, hot girls walk the streets still wearing revealing short skirts and hot pants, without stockings.”

但是,当严寒难耐的时候,大多数人会放弃时尚选择保暖。BBC的记者Matthew Price表示,就连时髦的纽约人也穿上了臃肿的夹克衫,包括男士在内的所有人都戴上了防寒耳罩。
However, when it gets too cold, most ditch fashion for warmth. According to BBC reporter Matthew Price, even style-conscious New Yorkers pull on puff jackets and everyone, including the men, don ear-muffs.

玩 Outdoor activities

对于很多人来说,冬季要做的事并不是和寒冷作战,而是去拥抱它。加拿大有着诸多的冬季运动,今年冬季奥运会也将在那里举行。冰上曲棍球是一项全国性的娱乐活动。滑雪,滑板滑雪,狗拉雪橇以及滑冰都是常见的娱乐项目。 For many, winter is not about combating the cold, but embracing it. Winter sports abound in Canada, where the winter Olympics will be held this year. Ice hockey is a national pastime and skiing, snowboarding, dog sledding, and ice skating are common.

In Alaska and the great lakes region of north America winter activities include ice fishing, hunting, cross-country skiing and snowmobiling.

The chill also offers challenges. Ice swimming, for example, seems to be one with global appeal. A hole is cut in the ice to expose enough water for adrenaline junkies to dive into.更多信息请访问:

在俄罗斯,“海象”俱乐部就是由冬泳爱好者组成的。在北美洲,冬泳爱好者被称作“北极熊”。在元旦这天,由纽约市民同康尼岛极地俱乐部的冬泳爱好者共同一展身手;在德国,柏林“海豹俱乐部”的冬泳爱好者们也在结冰湖水中畅游一番。保加利亚人在1月6日主显节(基督教的节日)这一天,在冰水中翩翩起舞。在伦敦,圣诞期间,游泳爱好者们无畏严寒,在九曲湖中畅游。 In Russia, “walrus” clubs perform this function. In North America, the participants are called “polar bears”. On New Year"s day, New Yorker"s join the Coney Island polar plunge and, in Germany, the Berlin “seals” brave their own icy pool. Bulgarians dance in icy water on Epiphany (a Christian festival on January 6). In London, swimmers take the plunge in the Serpentine lake, on Christmas day.

It"s true that severe cold can throw plans and schedules into disarray, but around the world we"ve figured out various winter delights that make a deep freeze seem–well, almost welcome.


abound in 富于,盛产
brimming with 充满着,洋溢着
badger 獾
casserole 蒸锅
chap 皲裂
cold snap 寒流
disarray 混乱
ditch 抛弃
goulash 菜炖牛肉
hemisphere 半球
hockey 曲棍球
inspector 检察员
mead 蜂蜜酒
medieval 中世纪的
mercury 温度表
molten 熔铸的
mulled 烫热的
pastime 消遣,娱乐
plummet 骤降
plunge 跳进,投入
ragout 法式杂烩
sanitary 有关卫生的
stew 炖菜
stave off 阻挡,延缓


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