As I write this, there is a considerable concern about the dangers of urban life, triggered by the t
Personal scooters are a highly valuable mobility tool for those who, for health reasons, are unable
In old buildings there was a boiler room where men stood shoveling coal or wood into a furnace to ke
Seminars dealing with special topics have actually been around for decades, and are an older form
Attention breeders, livestock owners and pet lovers!*Pets looking for humans, humans looking for pet
Over the past 30 years we have learned so much about taking good care of our pets, right? We feed th
These pet owners amazing stories prove friendship and loyalty know no bounds Here, they share thei
More Than a Best FriendWhether they help us through an emotionally difficult time or physically resc
You slather your kids with insect repellent before they go outside, but what about your pets? Dogs
Your pets bad breath may be more than just an annoyance, warns Alexander Reiter, DVM, of the Amer
Thunder rumbles, and your pooch cowers under the kitchen table How can you help? Pets take their
More and more people are switching to a vegetarian diet, and wonder if its good for their pets, t
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Candy canes are everyones favorite holiday treat Just think about how versatile they are Not only
A lot of effort has been carried out in the last years to re engineer processes in order to automate
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Pets 美国宠物Americans love pets And its not just puppy love, either Many pet owners treat their furr
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