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VOA流行美语第94课:on the fritz

来源:流行美语 时间:2017-05-16 点击:


第94课:on the fritz

今天李华到Larry的宿舍里去串门儿,李华会学到两个常用语:on the fritz和to hog。

LH: Hey, Larry, 我昨天晚上给你打电话,在你手机上留了言,你怎么没给我回电话啊?

LL: I didn"t get your message. My cell phone has been on the fritz. I don"t know what"s wrong with it.

LH: 你没收到我的留言?还说你的手机怎么啦?On the fritz - 那是什么意思啊?

LL: I said my cell phone is on the fritz. If something is on the fritz, that means something is wrong with it and it is not working properly.

LH: 噢,要是说什么东西on the fritz, 意思就是"出了毛病,不能正常工作了"。哎呀,我的手机有时候也会on the fritz. Larry, 除了电话以外,还有什么东西也可以说是on the fritz呢?

LL: Well, usually it is machines that are on the fritz. For instance, sometimes my computer does not respond to my commands, so it"s on the fritz.

LH: 原来on the fritz通常是用在机器设备上,比方说像你说的电脑。就是啊,有的时候电脑会出故障,不听指令,那就是on the fritz了。

LL: Now Li Hua, can you give me an example?

LH: 有了。昨天我在学校的食品零售机买coke,我明明塞进去一块美元,可是零售机一点反应都没有。It must have been on the fritz.

LL: Oh, some of the vending machines are often on the fritz.

LH: 哎,Larry, 除了说机器,我能不能说一个人on the fritz呢?

LL: Not really. However, the exception is that you can say that your stomach is on the fritz if it is uncomfortable.

LH: 噢,我们不能直接说一个人on the fritz, 但是,要是我的胃感到难受,我就可以说:My stomach is on the fritz.

LL: All right, Li Hua, forget about things that are on the fritz. You want to watch this DVD?

LH: Sure! 但愿你的DVD player is not on the fritz.

LL: Oh, come on, Li Hua!


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